Does Desjardins take car accidents into account?


New member
A lot of insurance companies don't take car history into account. I was wondering if anyone knew about Desjardins. Thanks
it's a sneaky little trick
safe car history counts for zero towards bike insurance
but claims and tickets count against your rating for the bike policy
fun, eh?
Dalton timmis doesnt ask for any of that, do you know specifically if Desjardin does? I would call but id thought id get a heads up since they are closed.
it's all in a shared database
doesn't matter what you say to them

but if you lie on an insurance app
the underwriter will find it and cancel you
Insurance companies have access to all your stuff, they don't need to ask. Any tickets, claims are listed for 3 years from the date of conviction or claim, and suspensions for 6 years you have on your car or MC can impact your rates,. Cancellations and multiple claims on auto/MC or home insurance as well -- you may not have an at fault accident but if you have numerous claims paid out they may not take you on as a new client. Each insurer files their rules with the FSCO, if they deny you insurance you are entitled to the reasons in writing.
If they have all the info in a database why do they still ask all the questions.
I should be able to provide my licence number and bike info and that it.
Wouldn’t you think.?
Insurance companies have access to all your stuff, they don't need to ask. Any tickets, claims are listed for 3 years from the date of conviction or claim, and suspensions for 6 years you have on your car or MC can impact your rates,. Cancellations and multiple claims on auto/MC or home insurance as well -- you may not have an at fault accident but if you have numerous claims paid out they may not take you on as a new client. Each insurer files their rules with the FSCO, if they deny you insurance you are entitled to the reasons in writing.
i thought claims were six years? :unsure:
If they have all the info in a database why do they still ask all the questions.
I should be able to provide my licence number and bike info and that it.
Wouldn’t you think.?

so down the road if you make a claim
they can pull the app and find a way to deny coverage
those huge insurance Co offices aren't staffed by workers looking to hand out $$

and yes
I understood an at fault loss is with you for 6 years on a declining scale
If they have all the info in a database why do they still ask all the questions.
I should be able to provide my licence number and bike info and that it.
Wouldn’t you think.?

To see if they can catch you in any lies. If you call in asking for a quote and tell them you have a squeaky clean record and they pull your abstract and claim history and find out you have a DUI that you "just forgot about" and an at fault claim you also conveniently "just forgot about", they'll either deny coverage out of the gate (since they really don't want you as a client), or cancel you after the fact because of misrepresentation. And a cancellation on your insurance history is a MAJOR red flag for other insurers.

A minor thing like a ticket that was 3 years ago instead of 4 that you just can't recall perfectly correctly, they'll usually not freak out about as long as you didn't blatantly lie about it, although they may re-rate your policy.

The key when calling in and getting insurance quotes is to be honest, and if you're not sure about something ask them to pull your record (they will anyways eventually, but be upfront) and verify things while your on the phone with them - just be honestly if you genuinely don't remember if a ticket or claim is gone or not.. That ticket that you might have thought was 6 years ago and fell off our record may only have been 5.5 years ago and it's still there - face it, how many people keep notes on an exact conviction date of something that happened years ago?
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