Does basic cable still exist?


Well-known member
Is it possible to just hook a cable up from to wall to the tv without having to use some kind of digital box/pvr? We haven't had cable for a few years now, but my wife is about to start maternity and wants something to watch. I don't care if the quality is old school, I just don't want more remotes/boxes and want it as cheap as possible. Thanks.

Forgot to ask, when is pay-per-channel supposed to start?
Yes and no.

The answer is supposed to be no - my grandfather has some kind of "digital adapter" for his older TV, but it's just a really tiny cable box, complete with a teeny tiny remote. There does still appear to be analog cable service up to a point (with Rogers), but the analog channels stop somewhere around channel 40.
3 years ago (the last time I tried), if you had cable internet, connecting a cable to the tv would give you the first 30 channels. If you had a digital tuner in your tv (most sold in the past 5 years) you could pick up a few more crappy channels.

If you don't have cable internet, try an antenna, you can probably pick up the major networks for free.
I still have plug into the wall cable with no boxes...basically get channels 2-62 but channels ate starting to disappear. No longer get TBS, speed, teletoon, spike, tcm, couple other.
Stick antenna (OTA) on the roof and you'll get a bunch of channels in HD for free (location-dependent). Add Netflix for movies (or US Netflix for more movies) and you're all set.
Stick antenna (OTA) on the roof and you'll get a bunch of channels in HD for free (location-dependent). Add Netflix for movies (or US Netflix for more movies) and you're all set.

This is honestly what I would do ... since Fox is completely gutting SPEED, there's very little point in having cable for me these days. You can get enough news & weather OTA, at least where I live
get a roof mounted HD antenna. Seeing you're from Guelph, you'll pick up a handful of channels, namely CTV, CITY, CBC, etc. Anythnig less than a roof mount, don't bother as you won't get the quality and signal you need on a regular basis. Maybe get away with an attic mounted unit.

For everything else, there's Netflix/hulu/youtube/vimeo whatever online.

If you go the way of third part cable internet providers (Teksavvy, start, etc) sometimes the filter isn't put on and you get the basic channels.
Most of the crap on tv isn't worth watching these days anyway, it's more filler than substance. Online is the way to go.
Whats's a good place to watch documentaries? I kind of miss discovery, oasis, radx.

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS
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