Does anyone ride niagra area / welland canals?


Well-known member
Just wondering if any has input on the quality, legality and overall experience of off road riding in the Niagra region and or the Welland area? I was riding around Niagra/Welland area today and accidently rode down a road that led nowhere, then I saw the entrance to what looked like a trail system, needless to say that was the time I wish I was on a full blown dual sport bike.
was just at the best place ( for the last 20 years) off GLENDALE on sunday...its all fenced off and loaded with video cams now..highly illegal now...

but here's a legal spot mild to medium....hell I took my busa/gixer through some parts of this

at end of COLBORNE St (near DAIN city).....just off FORKS rd.....wich is off 58 (westside road)

google maps 42 57.561N..............79 15.240W
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