Does anyone know this guy? |

Does anyone know this guy?

Damn, when stupid is what stupid does..

nanny state.

just kidding this is hilarious
The light is still on from what it looks like. Got out of sight from the cops and jumped on? Or did they follow him home?
Not excusing the rider, but I have always found the condescending posts from cops when they bust someone incredibly irritating. Cam Wooley used to be the king of that when he was always on TV: "Ohohoho, look at this genius. Bet he regrets his actions now!"

I can't articulate exactly why it rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's because they simultaneously tut-tut us about saving lives etc while also making a joke out of busting people. Maybe it's because I don't think it's the place of the police to publicly shame people, as they are consistently camera shy about their own actions. Maybe it's because their claims about keeping roads safe ring hollow when they do nothing about the myriad moving offenses that are harder to convict on than speeding (tailgating, cutting off, merging slow, no signal, the list is endless...)
Normally wouldn't care, but the no plate SS rev limit crew that flies through that intersection is annoying.
@Priller agreed. This one ****** me off in particular. Why let the guy drive so dangerously while taking pics instead of stopping him...

It's one thing to do things like these in your early 20s.
But travelling at a 'high rate of speed' and missing paperwork when you are 35...I'd say he still got off easy.
Its one thing to ride around the block in the neighbourhood with nothing after doing maintenance...but this was just asking for it..

That's the same officer that gave me a ticket last weekend at the forks.

Nice fella when I interacted with him, didn't let me off with a warning though :cry:
"Over $5,300 in fines" — that's a very expensive lesson, but no doubt warranted. However..
"In a way, though, he’s very likely a product of our own failing. Insurance is cripplingly expensive in this province, so much so that many riders just can’t afford it and they fall into the easy temptation of riding without it." — yes, it's a broken system that perpetuates this type of behaviour. I'm not condoning the rider's actions, but we need to acknowledge why the temptation to do this sort of thing exists in the first place.
And police on Twitter, posting content; publicly ridiculing people who break the law? Think about that for a moment. While this cop is tweeting, something really serious could be going down elsewhere.
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Not excusing the rider, but I have always found the condescending posts from cops when they bust someone incredibly irritating. Cam Wooley used to be the king of that when he was always on TV: "Ohohoho, look at this genius. Bet he regrets his actions now!"

I can't articulate exactly why it rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it's because they simultaneously tut-tut us about saving lives etc while also making a joke out of busting people. Maybe it's because I don't think it's the place of the police to publicly shame people, as they are consistently camera shy about their own actions. Maybe it's because their claims about keeping roads safe ring hollow when they do nothing about the myriad moving offenses that are harder to convict on than speeding (tailgating, cutting off, merging slow, no signal, the list is endless...)
Probably has a lot to do with the cops being the people that are there to listen to the drunk blubber about how sorry he is after killing the kids in the family van. And having to count the bodies.
I've only seen a mc accident victim once, it wasn't pretty and still haunts me. They see it every week.
I'm not a bootlicker. It's just respect.
"Over $5,300 in fines" — that's a very expensive lesson, but no doubt warranted. However..
"In a way, though, he’s very likely a product of our own failing. Insurance is cripplingly expensive in this province, so much so that many riders just can’t afford it and they fall into the easy temptation of riding without it." — yes, it's a broken system that perpetuates this type of behaviour. I'm not condoning the rider's actions, but we need to acknowledge why the temptation to do this sort of thing exists in the first place.
And police on Twitter, posting content; publicly ridiculing people who break the law? Think about that for a moment. While this cop is tweeting something really serious could be going down elsewhere.
Ok. I'm thinking.

Nope, still no sympathy for dirty riders.
I saw that picture before. Afaik, not a cop. Taken by a private citizen. Cops probably stole the pictures for their campaign (without crediting them, isn't that a copyright violation?).
Didn’t think of that....figured they took the pic before they pulled the car over.
I saw that picture before. Afaik, not a cop. Taken by a private citizen. Cops probably stole the pictures for their campaign (without crediting them, isn't that a copyright violation?).
Fair use and commercialization. If it was posted on social media and reposted but not with the intent to profit, then its all good. Good romper room topic, bill C-10.

Fun fact, you can take all the pictures of people in public places you like and post it up on social media shaming them, as long as no identifying information is provided. If the rider had their plate visible in the picture, then that's libel and defamation.
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