Does anyone know the hiring manager of the following motorcycle-related companies?


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  • Suzuki (HQ @ Richmond Hill)
  • GP Bikes
  • Honda

I ask because I'm going to cold call these companies for an it-related job in the summer and would prefer to address ppl by their name instead of: Dear Hiring Manager. I would like to put my technical skills (software development/project management) and my passion (motorcycles, duh) at the same spot.
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Define cold call. If your first contact with them is going to be a telephone conversation, picking up their name at the beginning of the call is not a big deal. If your first contact with them is going to be a letter... it might be better to make first contact by another means.
Define cold call. If your first contact with them is going to be a telephone conversation, picking up their name at the beginning of the call is not a big deal. If your first contact with them is going to be a letter... it might be better to make first contact by another means.

Was going to send an email to HR then cold call them a couple days later. GP bikes would be easiest as they're the smallest one.
Call Gp Bikes and ask the young Lady that answers the phone. They are very helpful.
I doubt GP bikes would need to employ an IT guy full time
Careful how you come across, someone here could be looking for an IT person and stating working for every company that is not a m/c store sucks could be limiting.

Just a thought.
^ buy a lot of stuff often, get a buddy to return everything for you.

Sent from the future using my GOLDEN iPhone 30 SS
Careful how you come across, someone here could be looking for an IT person and stating working for every company that is not a m/c store sucks could be limiting.

Just a thought.

What? I never said that ;)

Someone already takes care of GP bikes website .. besides if Jerry sees you at the store alot, or you know a guy .. youll have a better chance of getting hired there.

There is a guy I know there actually, he was the one that suggested it.

It isn't just the website, I can do database operations and many other things. The website is also not responsive and considering that mobile devices are used often, there could be improvements done.

I won't be shooting anything out yet though; I have other long term opportunities in mind before attempting this one. Just gathering as much information as I can so when I start executing things I can just shotgun one plan after the other if one fails.
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For sure their website is not responsive especially on mobile. I have my theories as to the causes and yes it is fixable except for the fact they paid money to have it the way it is now. Telling them you can do better would be poorly received because their expensive multi-thousand dollar website does work, just very slowly. Now Royal Distributing desperately needs a website at any speed. Try talking to them.
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