Does anyone know a good place to get a bike lowered?


New member
I recently bought a kawasaki 400 and the dealer that I bought it from would charge me 800+ to get it lowered.
Does getting a bike lowered normally cost that much? Does anyone have decent recommendations?
Please help!
How tall are you? The best advice is to not lower it if you can touch with one foot or on tippytoes you will learn and adjust to it until you don't even notice it.
5'4. I'd feel more confident if my bike was lowered and I can plant my feet. My bike is a little over 400lbs and tippy-toeing on uphills when it's stop and go traffic, is the most nerv-racking feeling. I've already dropped my bike over 5x by now (not in traffic, thank god).
Does anyone know any good shops?
kits range between $75-200. Buy a kit, get a case of beer, post a pic, tell us your single and help will arrive.
kits range between $75-200. Buy a kit, get a case of beer, post a pic, tell us your single and help will arrive.

I would say best advice yet.

Every bike is different and usually requires a lowering bar for the back which typically if the rear is already maxed out to it's lowest setting, you would most likely need a replacement aftermarket part which can be around $150-$300 and then the rest is all labour.

I would agree with the above, if you can tippy toe or stand flat footed with your left foot that's more than you need and just learn to live with it. I would also look for a maintenance manual and read up on how to adjust the rear and see if that's enough for you.
kits range between $75-200. Buy a kit, get a case of beer, post a pic, tell us your single and help will arrive.


Just to let u know, I've never flat footed any bike I rode. But then again, I'm 5'8. When stopped, my butt is never firmly on the seat, my right leg is basically resting on the seat while my whole left leg + butt is extended to the ground.

Try that, it might work for u, and +1 on Rosey.
Heritage is **** I am telling you from experience. Try Rosey Toes weston rd and Wilson. Phone 415-241-2523.

Rosey Toes is **** I am telling you from experience. Try Heritage at Keele and to Daniel.

Making up statement on the Interweb is funsies, let's make up other stuff!
Competition Cycle in Withby! Give them a try if you're from that area

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From what I was told it's very difficult to lower the Ninja 400r. I might be wrong...

OP, what part of the city are you in? Might be easier to get recommendations once people know the area.
Try looking into getting a custom seat made. Sometimes you can lower the seat by an 1 inch alone. Without having to mess around with the bikes suspension. Some of the women that I know purchased motorcycle riding boots that give them another 1/2 inch to 1 inch height. Just enough to touch the ground comfortably and hold the bike up.
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