Does anyone here ride/race flat track?


Well-known member

I'm looking to get my feet wet with flat track, I know Welland has a track and was wondering if anyone here rides there? I'm close-ish to there.
I'm curious what the steps are in trying that sport out. It looks fun and would like to give it a shot.


I'm looking to get my feet wet with flat track, I know Welland has a track and was wondering if anyone here rides there? I'm close-ish to there.
I'm curious what the steps are in trying that sport out. It looks fun and would like to give it a shot.


i did at welland for a bit. Rotax 604 and Honda CRF450R. Go down and watch the races on a Saturday, buy a bike and sign up. That easy
@sonnythebull, How does one learn proper technique for flat tracking though? Are there open practice sessions/days apart from the races? Or does all flat track riding begin competing in a race straight away? I planned on going down to watch, I do not have a dirt bike/supermoto or a true flat track bike, I'd like to try the feeling first if there is any way of doing that.
@sonnythebull, How does one learn proper technique for flat tracking though? Are there open practice sessions/days apart from the races? Or does all flat track riding begin competing in a race straight away? I planned on going down to watch, I do not have a dirt bike/supermoto or a true flat track bike, I'd like to try the feeling first if there is any way of doing that.

contact the club. They have a school but it happens very rarely. It's ok to jump in and just try it. Lots of beginners. Riding and racing is the best way to learn.
you need to get a Steel shoe made too
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After watching the championship event Friday in Woodstock I am also looking to buy a DTX bike and start racing. The website linked from the Paris raceway site about a school has no content though. Figure I will just get a bike and show up to a practice day...same thing I did for road racing lol
Buddy of mine has been doing the Paris thing this year and really enjoys it. Sounds like he has really improved through the summer as well. The guys there sound pretty good too.
Paris is a bit over an hour from me where Welland is just 25 minutes or so, but if Paris organizes their events more frequently and better I may just make that drive and see what it's all about. From what I see on the Welland site the flat track racing has ended for this year already. Anyway I will contact them if there are open practice days still. I realize the easy thing is to drop a few grand on a bike and just 'get into it' sort of speak, if only a few grand grew on trees.
I watched a little show on flat tracking and there they had any kind of bike. Is that how it goes here as well? I'm wondering if I would be able to try it out with my DRZ, and if so, what kind of tire is needed?
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