Does an MTO abstract use the Charge or Conviction date?

Mad Mike

Well-known member
One of my kids has a few tickets, before we go shopping for insurance I'm trying to find out which date shows up on the MTO abstract. One of his tickets was earned in Dec 2015 but didn't end up getting settled until Nov 2017. Which date is the Ins company going to find on his abstract? What date do you provide when asked Have you had any tickets in the last 3 years?
Date of conviction. Convicting court has to send a Notice of Conviction to appropiate agencies (MTO for HTA, RCMP and MTO for CC.) when conviction is entered.
Do not shop for insurance till this conviction is off your record . Most companies only run your abstract when you do a claim or change your policy .
One of my kids has a few tickets, before we go shopping for insurance I'm trying to find out which date shows up on the MTO abstract. One of his tickets was earned in Dec 2015 but didn't end up getting settled until Nov 2017. Which date is the Ins company going to find on his abstract? What date do you provide when asked Have you had any tickets in the last 3 years?
IMHO, it is the settlement date that counts and not the date that the ticket was issued. The proof will cost you $15 and, this is the drivers abstract. Get the paper and your doubt will be resolved :-)

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