Does a traffic ticket/accident affect both motorcycle and car insurance? |

Does a traffic ticket/accident affect both motorcycle and car insurance?


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Back in September, I received a speeding ticket on my motorcycle. I am going to court at the end of this month, but the chances are slim that I'm going to get off without any points.

I am currently insured with my parents car under their policy as an occasional driver. The company I'm with for my motorcycle is TD and my parents have CAA. If I get convicted for the speeding ticket and receive demerit points on my license, should it affect what my parents pay to have me on their policy? I have a G2M2 license.

Any input on this matter would be much appreciated!
WOW ok i'll be nice...yes it effects all licenses you carry g1, g2, m1, m2 ,a, z etc
WOW ok i'll be nice...yes it effects all licenses you carry g1, g2, m1, m2 ,a, z etc

I know Jevco specifically only deals with motorcycle claims/convictions, so any minor convictions that may have affected your car insurance doesn't matter. (As long as it isn't a major/serious conviction, or a criminal offence.) But in terms of car insurance being affected by motorcycle convictions, that much I'm not sure about.

I think it matters most on what kind of conviction you get, and what insurance company you're with. But that's all I know, which is why I'm asking for some more input... POSITIVE input.
^the HTA does not have different charges depending on what license you have so i'm not sure who told you that. Im also not sure who told you that an insurance company can determine what vehicle you were driving during a charge either.
^the HTA does not have different charges depending on what license you have so i'm not sure who told you that. Im also not sure who told you that an insurance company can determine what vehicle you were driving during a charge either.


Also demerit points don't mean anything regarding insurance.
If you get a 4 point speeding ticket or a zero point speeding ticket, They are the exact same in the insurance companies eyes, regardless of what type of vehicle you were in at the time.

Also demerit points don't mean anything regarding insurance.
If you get a 4 point speeding ticket or a zero point speeding ticket, They are the exact same in the insurance companies eyes, regardless of what type of vehicle you were in at the time.

Came here to say this. Demerit points are solely for evaluating your suitability to have a license. Accumulate too many, and you get a letter, get your licence reviewed, or lose it. Insurance companies grade tickets by the type of offence and not the penalty. I think that today, you generally have three categories of speeding offences - 0 to 30-40 kph over, 30-40 kph over to 50 over, and stunt driving charges. I'm actually not sure how they handle 50+ speeding (but NOT stunting charges) because they have become rare. An insurance broker will usually refer to these as minor speeding convictions, major speeding convictions, and laughing at you.

As for tracking claims and convictions by vehicle ... there is a sort of truth to that for claims only. Whenever you make an insurance claim, it is associated with a vehicle on your insurance abstract. It doesn't mean much to you, though, as it is still associated with you as a driver. Convictions go only by your driver's license, and you only have ONE of those ... if you drive & ride then you have a GM class license. If you're Murdock from the A-Team then you have a ABM-Z license.
I think that today, you generally have three categories of speeding offences - 0 to 30-40 kph over, 30-40 kph over to 50 over, and stunt driving charges. I'm actually not sure how they

I believe its just 0-49 and 50+. 50+ is considered a stunting charge and is a major conviction instead of a minor conviction.
I believe its just 0-49 and 50+. 50+ is considered a stunting charge and is a major conviction instead of a minor conviction.

It used to be that only way prior to HTA 172, but some insurance companies now break it down the way I described.

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