Do you wear your seatbelt?

What do you do?

  • Only kids need to wear their seat belts

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After going for a ride this morning, I passed by a few cars full of people and realized that a lot people still don't wear their seat belt in their cars. At first I thought that people think that its "uncomfortable" (mostly people in their teens). I then witnessed a kid in the front passenger seat sitting backwards in her seat (obviously no seat belt), with presumably, her mom driving but the mom did.

As adults, we have our own choice what to do and what not to do, but what about the kids? Should we not at least try to keep them as safe as possible in what could result in a horrible situation?

Over the years, I have heard many stories/excuses why people wear their seat belt and why not - ranging from different seat positioning in the car. It always comes down to "If I see a cop, I'll quickly put it on".

Some examples are:

1. "People in the back don't need to wear their seat belt"
2. "Seat belts are uncomfortable"
3. "Only the driver needs to wear their seat belt"
4. "I couldn't find the seat belt"

I was just wondering what the GTAM community thinks of this other than "I never wear a seatbelt cause I ride".
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ur missing the "real man strap themselves to the seat with only 1 hand" option
Only when driving.
yes, whilst watching tv because I hear of people falling off of their chairs
It still dumbfounds me people choose not to wear a seatbelt. I also don't buy the uncomfortable bit at least for adults, unless they are an atypical size or something. As for passengers, always if they are in my car, but if it is someone elses then I buckle up and they can choose obviously.

Although this might bug a few people, given our tax-paid healthcare system part of me feels people should sign away some level of care if they choose to drive without a belt and end up severely injured or a vegetable, especially if they are deemed at fault for the accident (and where wearing the belt would have clearly prevented such injuries from occurring as badly or at all). Same goes for those driving completely drunk, stoned, etc.

Again, just my personal opinion here, and I do believe people are free to do as they want/choose (or should be free to), however that doesn't fully work when everyone else has to pay for their mistake(s).
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I always wear a seatbelt while in a car.

There is no reason why people shouldn't be wearing one while in a car. I think people that don't wear them are quite stupid.
It still dumbfounds me people choose not to wear a seatbelt.

Although this might bug a few people, given our tax-paid healthcare system part of me feels people should sign away some level of care if they choose to drive without a belt and end up severely injured or a vegetable, especially if they are deemed at fault for the accident (and where wearing the belt would have clearly prevented such injuries from occurring as badly or at all). Same goes for those driving completely drunk, stoned, etc.

I always wear a seatbelt while in a car.

There is no reason why people shouldn't be wearing one while in a car. I think people that don't wear them are quite stupid.

Different people are stupid in different ways. This can seem overwhelming at times. Example: guy at work uses the loudest imaginable metal cut off saw all day without hearing protection but gripes about woman texting in fast lane. Every bit of stupidity adds up to one big spectrum of continuos fail. Every act of stupidity should have it's own thread.
A friend of my friend was driving his mom home on the highway at night. He was doing considerably more than the speed limit in a new model Range Rover. Out of the blue there was a lost spare tire on the road in front of them. They hit it and crashed into the guard rail, flipped the car over a few times. He was driving without seat belts, his mother on the passenger seat was strapped in.

The mother walked away from the crash with major bruises and a broken bone. The driver was ejected from his seat through the windshield. He probably won't walk again. Not to mention other complications of being paralyzed from waist down.

I guess other people can tell similar stories. I saw a bumper sticker once: seat belts are not as uncomfortable as wheelchairs. Or similar.
I only buckle up because the reminder seat belt gong sound is annoying.

Walk into a junk yard, cut the buckle off of a similar make/model car, pay the $5, shove the cut-off belt buckle into the receptacle. Chiming ceases.
Walk into a junk yard, cut the buckle off of a similar make/model car, pay the $5, shove the cut-off belt buckle into the receptacle. Chiming ceases.

I just disconnect the harness. Problem solved and save 5 bucks

I do wear my seat belt when I remember about it.

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After going for a ride this morning, I passed by a few cars full of people and realized that a lot people still don't wear their seat belt in their cars. At first I thought that people think that its "uncomfortable" (mostly people in their teens). I then witnessed a kid in the front passenger seat sitting backwards in her seat (obviously no seat belt), with presumably, her mom driving but the mom did.

As adults, we have our own choice what to do and what not to do, but what about the kids? Should we not at least try to keep them as safe as possible in what could result in a horrible situation?

Over the years, I have heard many stories/excuses why people wear their seat belt and why not - ranging from different seat positioning in the car. It always comes down to "If I see a cop, I'll quickly put it on".

Some examples are:

1. "People in the back don't need to wear their seat belt"
2. "Seat belts are uncomfortable"
3. "Only the driver needs to wear their seat belt"
4. "I couldn't find the seat belt"

I was just wondering what the GTAM community thinks of this other than "I never wear a seatbelt cause I ride".

I stopped to give first aid at an accident just to find a 5yr old girl who flew out the side of the van window because she was in car seat but not strapped in :( Seat belts especially for kids save lives and need to be worn....
i normally dont wear a seatbelt

the only times i do, is when Im driving the wife and kids around..

I feel Seatbelts should be a choice
Never wore seatbelts until I was 21. Girl I was dating wouldn't put the vehicle into drive unless I was buckled up. Became a habit after that, wear it all the time as must others in vehicle. Only time I get bothered is seeing children hanging out windows or standing up in back seat. Adults I couldn't care less about, too dumb to live I guess.
For people who complain about seat belts being uncomfortable give this a shot, its like you're not wearing a seatbelt at all. Most heavy trucks have something similar so that the seatbelt isn't annoying as ****


If im going to a store/timmies in my car and going along residential roads i don't bother with the seat belt. If on a longer trip or highway i always wear it.
When driving a truck i don't bother, if i get into a situation where im gonna need it at that point it wont do me any good and ive made a series of really bad choices to lead up to it. With 88,000lbs of steel behind me and 300 gallons of diesel below, at that point seat belts will only ensure my charred/crushd remains stay in the seat when they're looking for me after the fact...
If your seatbelt is uncomfortable you're doing it wrong.

That said, for a 2 minute drive like 3 houses down, I might not put it on or if the back seat is so cramped I can't get it on.

I rode in a stranger's car in Korea where the passenger belt didn't even work. That car was sketchy. Pretty much never put it on there in cabs, for some reason. My car ******* at me if I don't put it on.
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