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I'm a Chinese dude who's never been in an accident. I did learn to drive in England and worked as a courrier in London for a few years, which probably helped hone in some skills. Traffic over there is fun and I had to drive a large manual transmission, Mercedes Sprinter very "assertively", to get the job done. I just hope that I don't get really, really old like the guy in the video says. That'd mean I'd have to stop riding!!!

What do you think of this old guy?

I also had the privilege to be driven round a track by Stig Blomqvist, one of the very best Group B rally car drivers of his era a few years ago. He was 62 at the time and was wrestling a Audi Quattro around like noting. He pretty much told me that the new generation of rally drivers are too sissy to be able to drive the old cars. I found that hilarious. You had to be a "real man" to make those Group B cars go fast.
Its genetic, some Dr. in China just wrote a paper on it

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