do they sell these at cdn tire or walmart?


Well-known member

but seriously, where do they sell these. any good?
No longer imported into Canada. Talk to these guys.
As I recall, they were pretty basic Chinesium P.O.S.
BTW - that's a ridiculous price.

bombardier rotax needs a bike something like that - but with performance and reliability. make them in QC for all I care, just make them in canada for a chinese bike, I like how it looks.
No longer imported into Canada. Talk to these guys.
As I recall, they were pretty basic Chinesium P.O.S.
BTW - that's a ridiculous price.
Company is for sale you can buy it and import your own pos

Sent using a thumb maybe 2
Im thinkin one of those four wheel drive BRP? engines would work pretty good

if they need or run out of money - bombardier can line up for one of trudeaus free corporate welfare cheques that they send to bombardier regularly...just add some zeroes
Not sure about Canadian Tire, but you can find these in Walmart everywhere:

And so it begins...
Usually cause the same troll start it. Don’t know why just can’t let a thread happen without posting some kinda hate in it.

What a miserable life
Last edited:
I demand an apology from whoever that hurt his feelings
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