Do they really care?


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If this is true. well you be the judge

If this is true. well you be the judge
I don't get it. Presumably that is an export or not being licensed for the road.

Controlling emissions is a good thing. Controlling emissions using arbitrary reductions that are not feasible and just explode cost and cheating makes no sense to me. If emissions are harmful, the allowable levels should be fuel agnostic. Let each manufacturer hit fleet average emissions levels however they want. Having completely different allowable levels depending on the input fuel is stupid.
I don't get it. Presumably that is an export or not being licensed for the road.

Controlling emissions is a good thing. Controlling emissions using arbitrary reductions that are not feasible and just explode cost and cheating makes no sense to me. If emissions are harmful, the allowable levels should be fuel agnostic. Let each manufacturer hit fleet average emissions levels however they want. Having completely different allowable levels depending on the input fuel is stupid.

Emissions are fuel-agnostic, but heavy-duty-vehicles rules work differently from automotive light-duty. The level of technology necessary to achieve compliance is roughly the same. Modern on-road diesels all have SCR for NOx and DPF for particulates. Doesn't matter heavy-duty trucks or not.

The vehicle in the video is probably destined for a part of the world that does not have ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel available (yet). And, doesn't have emissions regulations comparable to those in either USA, Canada, or Europe.
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