Do any companies insure trackdays?


Well-known member
On a Ninja 250 specific forum I frequent many guys say they're covered for trackdays as long as its not a timed or competitive event. Then again most of them are in the US. Do we have anything similar here since many of us have our bike insured as recreational vehicles and a regular trackday is considered a "recreational" activity...
Call your insurance co. this will vary from place to place I'm sure
Not a chance.
If you even breathe "racetrack" to your agent, he will drop you like a bad habit.

Insurance companies even send agents to watch Friday night "street drags" at local drag race facilities to write down licence plate numbers they see on cars drag racing...then they cross reference them and cancel policies of anyone they see on their list of policyholders. I used to be sure to cover my plates when I drag raced.
Insurance for your bike on track? No.

Health insurance for injuries received on track? No.
When you ask your insurance company about it, mention the activity as "rider training" with instructors present. It might work.
Certified Instructors with training and acting as an accreditted school? At trackday? Not likely. Who would want that responsibility? A trackday certainly isn't the same kind of thing you would get at Racer5 or FAST.... I have been a control rider, and trust me, my little bit of racing experience doesn't qualify me to teach or train any other riders. Could I show someone a thing or two? I hope so. Could I spot a problem area in a new rider's lines or form? I hope so. Would I want to be held responsible for said rider paralyzing himself? Hell no.
Insurance for your bike on track? No.

Health insurance for injuries received on track? No.

Not exactly. I do a lot of what could be called risky things during my hobbies. I had a policy written by SF to cover me for 75% of my lost wages if I am injured and cannot work for a period of 24 months. I pay a premium for this service and it's written right in the policy stating "injuries resulting from motorsports activities in a closed course environment".
Are track days something you can get coverage for under your standard Ontario Auto Policy (OAP 1)? Nope. However, you can insure pretty much anything that is not illegal as long as you find someone willing to insure you for it, you are willing to pay the premium and the agreement between parties follows contract law to make it legally enforceable.
Insurance for your bike on track? No.

Health insurance for injuries received on track? No.

My health insurance does cover me for any kind of dangerous sports. But my job helps a lot.

Why bothering with trackday insurance? Just buy a cheap bike and go have fun, its just money that you are going to burn anyway, and the cost of insurance would probably cover the cost of a bike every year or two year. The best insurance is good protective gear and nothing else.
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