DIY with your HD

Given our relatively weak consumer protection and competition laws made MUCH worse by layer after layer of siloed, immovable, disinterested and unresponsive bureaucracy - it means SWEET F^@& ALL here.
The order had to do with the wording of H-D's warranty fine print more than anything else.
The 'right to repair' rule has been in place for cars for years.
Bottom line - you can do whatever you want as long as you don't do it wrong or use substandard parts.
Below is a link to an article about how the issue plays out in agriculture.

The guy has essentially hacked his equipment so he can effect repairs himself because, “To get it on a truck is $1,000, and by the time you get it hauled somewhere and hauled back, you’re $2,000 into getting something minor fixed,”.

It sounds like a piece of legislation relating to technology is creating an opportunity for companies like HD, John Deere etc. to monopolize repair services on their vehicles, or at least some repairs.
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