Disc Lock on License Plate?


Well-known member
Out of curiosity (and laziness: taking the seat off a ninja 400 to reach the storage is an annoyance and a task), is it legal to lock a disc lock onto the license plate? It isn't obstructing any letters. The lock fits perfectly on the bottom left pre-drilled hole of the plate and is very convenient; I was wondering if this could get me a ticket.
Aaaaaand for some reason this was supposed to be in Laws and regulations and ended up here.

my bad. If a mod could move it that would be sweet. Sorry for that.
If you are not obstructing the plate and are not punching new holes in the plate, I don't see a problem.
I would think it's one of those things that is OK for 99% of cops, but there's always the chance of finding that 1% that will find issue with it.
I would be worried about metal fatigue - movement or vibration of the lock may end up breaking the corner of the plate off and you'll lose your lock.
If removing the seat is "too much"......... maybe it's time to get off da weed?
Mine has a banana-style seat (1 piece) so it is rather annoying. I tend to just throw it in the tailbag I have on the bike 99% of the time when I am out riding since it is easier access.
Ever own a bike with a corbin saddle? js

No. Lots of bikes, but none had a Corbin.

My Xena disc lock has a soft case that came with it. The case has a loop on it, in order to attach to a belt.
I never used it. I always used a tank bag.
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