I just bought a bike (deal too good to pass up) and am now considering getting my M1, however the training course that is held in my area is currently booked up so I will not be able to get my M2 through that process, yet I want to do so in the spring. Leads me to this question.
If I go ahead and get my M1, and allow it to expire (90 days), will there be any penalties either with the MTO or with my insurance company (State Farm) for allowing to to expire? I got a quote from them and even with my M1 it was a decent rate for being a new driver. Does anyone know whether my rate will go up because I failed to get my M2 in the require time set by the ministry?
If I go ahead and get my M1, and allow it to expire (90 days), will there be any penalties either with the MTO or with my insurance company (State Farm) for allowing to to expire? I got a quote from them and even with my M1 it was a decent rate for being a new driver. Does anyone know whether my rate will go up because I failed to get my M2 in the require time set by the ministry?