Rules for getting out of debt (I've been in debt because of school for a long time but it's shrunk significantly because I've made this religion)
1. Find out what your total minimum payments are right now. Can you afford that, even if it hurts your lifestyle? If no then you are going straight to bankruptcy, whether now or later. You can attempt debt consolidation or credit counselling, but that will probably delay the inevitable. Known fact: people who consolidate usually go further into debt because it's a stop gap measure that doesn't change behaviour.
2. Recognize debt is a curse and it must be killed (forget the good debt/bad debt arguments for now. If you have bad debt, which credit cards, vehicle financing, etc is, you don't get to talk about good debt).
3. Good debt is only debt for a mortgage you can afford and borrowing for investment/business purposes. It produces income that exceeds it's cost.
4. Do not accumulate any further debt. Change whatever parts of your life that you have to do this. Clothing, snacks, gym memberships, all that stuff you drop on the card without thinking, forget about it.
5. Make your minimum payments.
6. Take all the extra money and put it to the debt with the highest interest rate.
7. If you have cash sitting in a TFSA earning interest, use that to pay off debt NOW. You can put it back in your TFSA next year and it is not earning as much interest as you are paying.
8. If you have any room on lower interest cards/accounts that let you, pay off the higher interest with that, but still hammer at your debt. Once you wipe out one, it provides great motivation for wiping out the next one.
9. Pursuant to above, get an MBNA no fee cash back card. If they like you will they will send you cheques for 0% +1% fees. That fee works out to 12% per year if you pay off too fast (this is math so I'm leaving it out), but if you just make the minimum payments on that until the special offer expires, it's pretty much just 1%. Suckers pay the 1% and pay it back right away. Don't use this card for anything but paying off higher interest debt.
10. Do what others said above. Try to get lower rate and lower fee cards etc. Negotiate a line of credit. If you have a mortgage at your bank, they will probably get you under 7%. It's good to have in emergencies.
11. Forget rewards cards until you are out of debt. Interest and fees cost way more than any rewards are worth. I have rewards cards, but I had them before I was in debt. They are not my primary cards. I don't know how many times in the past I bought dumb **** at Metro on my Amex just because they gave me bonus Airmiles. Airmiles for one are not worth the difference you pay at Metro.
12. On that note, if you do hit expensive stores like Metro or Sobeys, switching to NoFrills or something is a quick solution. Beans and rice until you are out of debt my friend.
13. Do the math on every purchase. I'm aware most people hate confronting the cold hard numbers, but you will get it with practice. My example, today I was buying chicken breast, so I sat there and figure out which particular pack gave me the most meat per dollar. Pull out your phone if you can't do it in your head, it has a calculator.
14. Further to that, look at every purchase you are about to make. Is it a want or a need? HINT: if you "need" something because it will make you feel better, it's actually a want. If you don't buy it, then your life will end shortly, then it is a need.
That's all I can think of for now. That all comes from my own experience and I intend to be out of debt some day...
It's all about the interest rate. It has been for thousands of years.