Dear Justin,

Its funny how his dad was with him at the club drinking and was one of the people that helped block traffic so he could street race while drunk (In the eyes of the law) and high.
Parents on the payroll
He's 5'9"?!
It's much more suspicious than that. Check this out:


And this:

My question is,why is he even a topic of conversation on GTAM? Who gives a ****?
Brains on the radiator, if we could only be so lucky.... the guy makes a good point too.

that was beautiful.

also, add Cyrus and Kardashians to that list along with every "housewife of…" who has her own show. this is what's wrong with the world. true.
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He was charged for DUI among other things, "driving under the influence". Doesn't mean it was alcohol.

Not defending him but pointing out the cops flaws:

He was pulled over for street racing (was doing 27mph in a 30mph zone when pulled over according to the cars internal GPS)
Cops said he reeked of booze which was the reason for the DUI (He had a blood alcohol level of 0.014, about half a beer)
As for admitting he was high on pot and prescription drugs that his mom gave him, That's just him being stupid
He was charged for DUI among other things, "driving under the influence". Doesn't mean it was alcohol.

You're right it doesn't just mean alcohol, its just funny how everyone says he was drunk...cops also said he blew 0.04 which his actual blood/alcohol level was 0.014 below the tolerance for under 21...and they were "racing" doing "55-60"...The funniest part is the rental company has gps trackers and turns out they were doing 27 at the point where cops say they were "racing". I would be resisting arrest too.

Im not saying he didnt deserve a DUI, I am sure he was high out of his mind. Its just how people love to hate, kid might be a little bit of a Dbag but he hasnt killed anyone or slapped a chick, yet...everyone was a teenage once, hes just got millions and millions of dollars, Mo Money Mo Problems.
The real problem is that due to his legal problems in 2 American states now, his visa runs a risk of being revoked and his ass deported back to Canada. Then he would be our problem again.
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