dealer weirdness


Well-known member
Anyone else ever notice a LOT of the ads online for used bikes all seem to be shot in/from the same warehouse looking place?
They're being posted up as if its an owner, but it makes me wonder if these are at auctions.

Either that, or they're all parked indoors at work, and a lot of riders work in shipping and receiving.

Also notice some bikes dont seem to be selling at one dealer, and have been up for sale for a LONG time, then the bike suddenly disappears
and an irely similar one shows up at another dealers place, at the same price? Its as if dealer 1 didnt want to budge on a price or anything, and would rather sell it to another dealer at a loss (saw this at 2 dealers so far)

I assume loss because If the second dealer has it priced the same, I assume he bought it for considerably less so as to make a profit on it.
As for the pictures being in same location, one of my buddies has a business for taking really amazing photos for high end cars (Bentley's, lambos etc), like a photoshoot style.
I assume it might be similar type of business?

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Any examples? I haven't noticed this but you might be looking at different bikes than me

or this:


or this:

those are different bikes in different warehouses.

think your second point might be right, lots of riders with access to warehouses or large garages for photos.
Sorry, but those garage doors look similar, but are not the same. Look closely at the garage door trim by the edge of the door as well as the spacing of the hinges.
Sorry, but those garage doors look similar, but are not the same. Look closely at the garage door trim by the edge of the door as well as the spacing of the hinges.

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