Cyber bullying law


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GTAM will be shut down with this law.

Maybe a much slimmed down version could still exist. At least I hope so. Like, if Dr. Apple goes on a butter tart run I should have access to that information and in a timely manner. What's the harm there?
Bean counters on puppet strings....welcome to another step towards our future enslaved police state.
(oops....did that sound mean? I hope no one in gov't thinks I am bullying them)
Don't worry. I remember when legislation was introduced against hate speech. People carried on about how it would be end of everything and it wasn't.

If its not a constitutional law it'll simply go to court and be overturned.

But in the meantime, it is my armchair belief that the test is to demonstrate a pattern of behaviour that seems targeted and premeditated with the intent to cause harm, not 1-off statements that aren't repeated.

Easy way to avoid problems with this and other things is to focus on the issue and not the person. If there is an issue then talk about that, don't make issues about the person if you can, because then it becomes hard to have dialogue.
I heard Turbo will be moving to Nova Scotia :cool:
That is the biggest waste of time I've ever read. Let's go bully the friggin moron who passed that one. What an idiot

We should play a game. Let's submit stupid ideas and see if any of them gets traction e.g. hand holder for when you feel scared you can call a number to have someone come over and hold your hand.
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