Cut off, but training kicked in


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I'm in my second year riding, and I was cut off by a cager for the first time last night. It was a kid in a Civic with his stupid *** girlfriend yapping in the passenger seat. He darted out of a right turn lane on Hiway 7 at Pine Valley, into my lane as I came up beside him. Yes, as common as the sun coming up. But here's what surprised me... The training kicked in.

In what felt like half a second, the cager pulled out, I checked my left mirror -no escape, hit both brakes firm and focused on staying in a straight line. I stopped with my right mirror an inch behind his driver side mirror. Hell, I even geared down! I thought about bitching the kid out, but I was just happy to avoid the collision. I rode on, grateful to the folks at RTI.
I'm in my second year riding, and I was cut off by a cager for the first time last night. It was a kid in a Civic with his stupid *** girlfriend yapping in the passenger seat. He darted out of a right turn lane on Hiway 7 at Pine Valley, into my lane as I came up beside him. Yes, as common as the sun coming up. But here's what surprised me... The training kicked in.

In what felt like half a second, the cager pulled out, I checked my left mirror -no escape, hit both brakes firm and focused on staying in a straight line. I stopped with my right mirror an inch behind his driver side mirror. Hell, I even geared down! I thought about bitching the kid out, but I was just happy to avoid the collision. I rode on, grateful to the folks at RTI.

Congrats on the save :cool:
I take Highway 7 everyday through Woodbridge , the drivers are either little sh*ts like him, under speeding grandmas, or the constant 15 over the limit locals.

I ride with the assumption that all cagers are idiots, and don't care if they turn me into road pizza.

You were fortunate that you had the knowledge and quick response time to save yourself. Congrats.
Good job! You're ready to graduate on to the next class; kicking in mirrors.
Good save. I find that area really dangerous because of the Mc D's there and all the 16 year old high school students w/ cars driving there that drive like they're invincible. I almost got hit there twice last year and a rider got hit there last year at that intersection and died. I find that the teenagers there seem like they're always in a rush to get from Mc D's to the Timmies at Langstaff and Weston. Always see them racing down a 40 zone at 80+. There were multiple instances where it seemed like they were actually racing eachother down that road (Ansley Grove)

Be safe.
did the punk driving seem shocked?

Oh yeah, and he hauled *** northbound on Pine Valley pretty quick. I took a deep breath and just kept going straight.

Good job! You're ready to graduate on to the next class; kicking in mirrors.

Oh, I was tempted.

Good save. I find that area really dangerous because of the Mc D's there and all the 16 year old high school students w/ cars driving there that drive like they're invincible.(Ansley Grove)
Be safe.

I think I'm going to take that route off my list. It does seem to be a trouble spot.
Thanks everyone for your kind words. It was the first time I thought I might get schmucked. Glad it turned out okay.
Good thing your safe man.
Glad that it worked out ok for you. It happens all the time downtown. People are just so oblivious/self-absorbed they don't even know you're there. Best to always assume everyone is trying to kill you. It's difficult in traffic, but try and always position yourself with an escape route.
happy to hear you're ok ! . and keeping your composure
i love it when i point at my helmet mounted go-pro....gaze at his licence plate and smile like- i know where you live @#%^$!
good job! being calm is the best way to keep your head clear sometimes. also a kid with his gf and a car is prob a good recipe for road rage from his end.

2nd week of riding and some guy already tired pulling in my lane (was not in his blind spot as i could see his face in his mirror), and had a moron go the wrong way around a roundabout almost straight in to me!
Thanks for this post. I just looked up where this area was, I'm not going near it lol
I had my first 'incident' this morning. Riding alongside a car the woman put on her turn signal, looked out the side window right into my eyes and started to move over. I laid on the horn, swerved into the turning lane that had just started and got on the brakes. I did stall the bike as I didnt pull in the clutch. She changed lanes and kept going without an apparent care in the world.
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