I'm in my second year riding, and I was cut off by a cager for the first time last night. It was a kid in a Civic with his stupid *** girlfriend yapping in the passenger seat. He darted out of a right turn lane on Hiway 7 at Pine Valley, into my lane as I came up beside him. Yes, as common as the sun coming up. But here's what surprised me... The training kicked in.
In what felt like half a second, the cager pulled out, I checked my left mirror -no escape, hit both brakes firm and focused on staying in a straight line. I stopped with my right mirror an inch behind his driver side mirror. Hell, I even geared down! I thought about bitching the kid out, but I was just happy to avoid the collision. I rode on, grateful to the folks at RTI.
In what felt like half a second, the cager pulled out, I checked my left mirror -no escape, hit both brakes firm and focused on staying in a straight line. I stopped with my right mirror an inch behind his driver side mirror. Hell, I even geared down! I thought about bitching the kid out, but I was just happy to avoid the collision. I rode on, grateful to the folks at RTI.