Hi guys,
Does anyone have any recommendations for insurance brokers or companies...
I'm 26, have my M2 (since Nov), clean driving record, live midtown Toronto, took the MSF, been car insured since 16 with no claims, etc...
I'm looking to get a 250cc - 800cc cruiser as my first bike...
What kinds of rates are you paying? (all the forums I saw were sport bike or super sport bike oriented so wanted to know if cruisers differ..)
I've gotten some quotes but just want to know if anyone has any advice on who to talk to, what questions to ask, etc...
Does anyone have any recommendations for insurance brokers or companies...
I'm 26, have my M2 (since Nov), clean driving record, live midtown Toronto, took the MSF, been car insured since 16 with no claims, etc...
I'm looking to get a 250cc - 800cc cruiser as my first bike...
What kinds of rates are you paying? (all the forums I saw were sport bike or super sport bike oriented so wanted to know if cruisers differ..)
I've gotten some quotes but just want to know if anyone has any advice on who to talk to, what questions to ask, etc...