Crossfit tires needed please help |

Crossfit tires needed please help


Well-known member
Hey guys I'm hoping someone on here can help me find or advise me where to get a used front loader tire or tractor tire so that I can do some conditioning workouts (flipping, jump squats, sledgehammer workouts etc.)

Any advice is appreciated cheers all. I'm also in the gta

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yep you DEFINITELY need a tractor tire for conditioning workouts...

lol the fitness industry is hilarious
are those the tires that are the same size as a 200 pound tire but only weigh 25?
Bench, bar, rack, powerblocks, done.

Oh you want conditioning? Take shorter breaks and lift faster :agave:
Worst shoes ever. They are not good for anything at all!
I wonder how some of the greatest warriors of all times like Spartacus ever stay fit without tractor tires?
I sourced one from John Deere up in Utica. I hooked up a friend for her boot camp school.
Fixed it for you
Pfft, Leonidas was nothing compared to Spartacus. A man's got big balls when he challenges the biggest empire of all time. Not only with a few thousand men but who were only rag tag slaves. You don't find super heroes like that in such modern times
just a question
What about the stress being placed on joints, something about trying to chuck around a big heavy tire seems a bit off for me?
Why not use an old VW beetle and roll that around?:p

It would seem ironic that in the process of being fit (extremely), one ends up damaging themselves e.g. ripping or tearing ligaments etc...

A buddy of mine has never stepped into a gym.
He does about 20 minutes every other day of light floor exercises (10-20lb hand weight) and this guy is ripped.
Yes, he eats cheesecake too, lol.
What's with all the judgment? The OP didn't ask for ppl's take on crossfit, just where to get a tire. Sheesh!

And, to the OP: you're a wonderful human being! Be strong! If I weren't a lesbian, I would sleep with you! :)
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What's with all the judgment? The OP didn't ask for ppl's take on crossfit, just where to get a tire. Sheesh!

And, to the OP: you're a wonderful human being! Be strong! If I weren't a lesbian, I would sleep with you! :)
Go sleep with the OP, test your theory in full to ensure you are 100% sure if not it will always eat away at you and sit on your mind every single day.
just sayin':D

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