Credit where credit is due - great commercial.


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I'm not a harley fan by any stretch of the imagination, but i gotta give credit where credit is due.. this would have been a great commercial for ANY brand of motorcycle..

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Typical... HD getting all of the hype....

I thought the thread title was, "Credit where credit is due"....

I am just quoting this because I want to visit this website from home and I don't want to forget. :p
Not loading at my work for reasons which include: ancient version of IE being used and strict security settings blocks most of the content.
Apparently HD has some kind of new build-a-bear?
I'll have to check it out at home too.

Although, there are some commercials so annoying that I refuse to buy their product.
what credit?!?! Did they come up with the nickname "cage" for cars?

in what sense or form did HD invent anything? Just like their motorcycles, decades behind.....

Gah, one thing i will give HD credit for, is selling the "american bad boy" dream and raking in the cash.

Sorry but when u think the amount of actual R&D and material that goes into producing a HD compared to a sport bike, the price is atrocious...
did everyone just skip over the part where i said i wasn't and HD fan? im not going out to buy an HD or even visit the showroom, or in anyway suggesting any of you should either.. i just like the commercial..

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