Crazy storm last night


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Up at the Forks and seems everywhere in S Ontario

just talking to guy lived in Belfountain for 40 years has never seen a tstorm like that.....and a couple of the girls were saying it woke them up just because of the lighting .....there was very little thunder just an insane lightning storm that was continuous ....she said she thought someone was taking flash photos of her......very weird storm reports of damage so far.

My bedroom has bay windows and it was the lightning that woke me....felt like searchilights on the house...

Guy in Kitchener put this up


Mississauga was muggy as hell when I left around noon but nice at the Forks now ....drier and nice breeze. Classic summer day :D
i live in KW - believe you me, there was a stupid amount of thunder at 4:09-4:20 a.m.
A few thunderclaps sounded like they were going off in my bedroom.
The lighting show was pretty cool though - watched it for about 10 minutes before trying to sleep again.

I get up about 4 am. Wicked show between then and 7 am in Durham Region
I rode through it this morning at around 5am - was a pretty interesting commute!
Those Pilot Road 4's are awesome in the wet.
I am on borrowed sleep because of that last night. Got up at 3:30am to hear nature's big guns.

I was about to take a time lapse on my cam, but I don't like tempting mother nature
You mean like so...

You mean like so...

One time while driving on the highway, I had a really close encounter with a lightning bolt. Scary ****
Seems like it's been so long people have forgotten what a good ol' thunderstorm is...
That tree had it coming, being all showy with those nice branches and growing out in the open like that.

Same here with the 4:30 time line, west of Orangeville. The power bounced back and forth about half a dozen times, but not even long enough each time for the desktop fan to come to a stop before it got power again. Until you see things on the desk levitate and notice the hair are your arms rising from the skin, you haven't been that close to a good charge building up.
That tree had it coming, being all showy with those nice branches and growing out in the open like that.

Same here with the 4:30 time line, west of Orangeville. The power bounced back and forth about half a dozen times, but not even long enough each time for the desktop fan to come to a stop before it got power again. Until you see things on the desk levitate and notice the hair are your arms rising from the skin, you haven't been that close to a good charge building up.

I was driving up a mountain in Costa Rica a few years ago in a storm when a tree about 20 feet away from me at the side got struck by lightening. Half the tree glowed orange from the strike and the noise was deafening. One of the coolest things I've ever seen. Wife missed seeing the strike and asked why I yelled out so I didn't tell her until we got to where we were going.
Had a planned ride today with a few friends. Got caught in the tail end of the weather. Got wet. Chased weather 4 hours east, thankfully staying just behind it.

Couldn't begrudge the rain...only the second time I've got caught in it this entire year (and the first was only for a few minutes before we got home) and we really did need it. The ride happened, all cool.

New front tire (Shinko 777) proved impressive on the wet roads all day. 2000K on it already in just a few weeks it's been on, wearing well.
don't know what you guys are talking about. Brampton was bone dry, and I have been praying for the rain since I got new grass.
I just checked the handy GTAM weather service. It says partly cloudy. I look out the window. It looks partly sunny. smh
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