Could any one help a new rider


Could i please get help from some one on Sunday the 10th . i bought a bike in Brampton but i need someone to drive it to my houses which is in Brampton to. its a 10 min drive from my house to the bike. we could meet up at my house and both got there or i could pick you up and and go get it and drop you back off. what ever is best for you.. i am a new rider and im going for my m1 next week. but the guy is asking me to pick it up tomorrow.

so if any one could help it would be cool. its a 2001 Kawasaki ninja zx6r its my first bike so i'm excited

if so you could call me on my phone 647 971 9559 it would be cool thanks
I'd lend a hand, but I'm in Toronto :D

Tomorrow's gonna be pretty nice out, so I'm sure someone will offer
Shootin' from the hip eh?

Stop... think.

Everyone knows size doesn't matter!

Instead of your superiority complex, try to develop a more welcoming attitude. He wants someone to ride his new bike home for him - so he's not an idiot. I'm sure he is capable of riding it like a 250 until he gets his crotch in tune with his brain. That's his business and his challenge and like most people I know, the maturity to grow sensibly.

You are assuming he'll twist his bike beyond his ken and that assumption, like most, is simple stupidity!
Back off
You bought a ZX-6 as your beginner bike? I say ride it home yourself. Call it trial by fire. Have fun! LOL
That's not nice! Dickeshh actually.

op, I will help if you need me to, pm
Mototrek and ZX600, pretty ironic considering the absolute ***** 99.9% of the members here let slide. It was a joke. Get over it. And it's not as if this new rider doesn't have to take his/her bike out at some point.

If it's not cliques, then it's Seal Shepherd back here again threatening women. If it's not that or that, it's some other totally hypocritical BS going on. *eye roll*
Mototrek and ZX600, pretty ironic considering the absolute ***** 99.9% of the members here let slide. It was a joke. Get over it. And it's not as if this new rider doesn't have to take his/her bike out at some point.

If it's not cliques, then it's Seal Shepherd back here again threatening women. If it's not that or that, it's some other totally hypocritical BS going on. *eye roll*
I can do it in the early PM as long as the bike is safe, plated and insured. PM me if you need help. ZX600 is also an experienced rider.
I can do it in the early PM as long as the bike is safe, plated and insured. PM me if you need help. ZX600 is also an experienced rider.
I believe the plates and insurance are a problem so I recommended infernobuster for a hauling job
I believe the plates and insurance are a problem so I recommended infernobuster for a hauling job

Should have read more carefully lol.. Yeah, Inferno's da man for those situations.
Could i please get help from some one on Sunday the 10th . i bought a bike in Brampton but i need someone to drive it to my houses which is in Brampton to. its a 10 min drive from my house to the bike. we could meet up at my house and both got there or i could pick you up and and go get it and drop you back off. what ever is best for you.. i am a new rider and im going for my m1 next week. but the guy is asking me to pick it up tomorrow.

so if any one could help it would be cool. its a 2001 Kawasaki ninja zx6r its my first bike so i'm excited

Assuming this is a serious post and not a troll, I have to ask, your profile here says you're 18 years old.

While I'd love to ride a ZX6R, even if only on a one-time occasion, I have to wonder how you're going to manage insurance on that bike at your age. Have you gotten an insurance quote even, considering you've purchased the bike without even having your M1 yet?

Either way, if and when you start riding, ride safe, have fun, and don't do anything crazy. Well, not *too* crazy.

Also, posting your phone number publicly is not generally a great idea. Should have left that for PM's or expect to get some prank calls...
Do you have a plate, even if it's not legit? I'm willing to break a few laws moving a bike but no plate is asking to be pulled over. OP you're asking a lot but offering nothing in return, poor forum etiquette, especially when you're new here. Hire a towing service.
Don't listen to all the naysayers, the ZX6R is a great first bike! My first bike was a CBR 929. Trail by fire is the best way to go. If you start on something small like a CBR 125, you'll hop on a 600 one day and ride it like you did the 125 and die!


If you have a plate that has a sticker on it that's still current I'd be willing to break a few laws, but if I get lit up I'm running, just so you kno.

-Jamie M.
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