How do they serve alcoholic drinks on Italian cruise ships? - On the rocks
What vegetables do you get with dinner on Italian cruise ships? - Leeks
What's the fastest way to get off an Italian cruise ship? - Follow the captain
When the captain of the ill fated Costa Concordia was asked if he knew where he was going he replied . . .
"off course."
So the captain of the Costa Concordia will soon be in the dock. That's more than can be said for his ship
What's the difference between the Italian economy and the stricken cruise liner Costa Concordia?
Nothing - The bottoms dropped out of both.
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What vegetables do you get with dinner on Italian cruise ships? - Leeks
What's the fastest way to get off an Italian cruise ship? - Follow the captain
When the captain of the ill fated Costa Concordia was asked if he knew where he was going he replied . . .
"off course."
So the captain of the Costa Concordia will soon be in the dock. That's more than can be said for his ship
What's the difference between the Italian economy and the stricken cruise liner Costa Concordia?
Nothing - The bottoms dropped out of both.
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