Corner Marshaling |

Corner Marshaling


I'm tentatively interested in becoming a corner marshal,

Is it a paid position?

What are the hours like? I am hoping to use this as an addition to my current job (I.E I would want to marshal evenings and weekends 2 or 3 days a week)

When should I apply? I want to have ample time

Thanks in advance

I did this at Cayuga a couple years ago. days were about 10 hours. pay was cash(in cheque form i think) at the end of everyday(about minimum).
I only worked the weekends(Sat/Sun i think) when they did lapping. which worked out to 4-6 days a month i would work.
you can essentially apply anytime you want. look on the TMP website and fire off an email.
You would need to confirm it with Ken, kneedragger88 on here, but last season if you did 10 days of SOAR events as a marshal you got a free race school!!

You could marshal the beginning half of the race season, you'd get a good feel of what happens on a race weekend, all while earning your race license at the same time.
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If you plan on attending the bike show next weekend the CRCA and maybe SOARMS (SOAR marshalls) will likely have a booth and be able to answer all your questions. It's a a great way to get into racing, you get to see the inner workings of it all from a totally different perspective that that of a racer. Go for it!

I'm tentatively interested in becoming a corner marshal,

Is it a paid position?

What are the hours like? I am hoping to use this as an addition to my current job (I.E I would want to marshal evenings and weekends 2 or 3 days a week)

When should I apply? I want to have ample time

Thanks in advance


In Canada/US, race events are voluntary and track days are paid. Shannonville (CRCA) & Mosport (MMS) have well established pools of Marshals that work the TDs so you could get to work a few here and there but not 2 - 3 days per week. SORMS did co-ordinate Marshals for TMP and GBM this last season but will not be doing it next year. So if you want paid work Marshalling at GBM or TMP I suggest you contact the tracks directly. You could also try Racer5, they like to have a couple of guys in the pits on their event days. Nothing will likely start forming up before March/April.
Unless you live by the track, from a purely financial standpoint, the pay's not worth the trouble. It's around the minimum wage. Marshals have the best seats in the "house", they get to mingle with the racers and they get to contribute to the sport. Those are the real attractions of marshaling at least in Ontario. I'm not sure about the rest of the world.
Yeah I'm not super close to any tracks though I am about 30 min from mosport.

I am still thinking about it though it does seem less likely I work at a bike shop so thats our busy time so I can't get saturdays off.

Thanks so much for all the info and I'm sorry for taking so long to reply it doesn't notify me when I get replies.


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