Cooling Fan issue


Active member
Hi guys I have a93 zx7 end of last season cooling fan stop turning on once bike got to a high temp. Anyone got any ideas of what might be the problem?

But is there some sort of sensor that tell the fan to turn on?
Yes, there is a sensor. Mechanical moving parts items tend to fail first though, so carefully hotwire the fan to the battery and see if it runs. If the fan works, then you can start checking the wires and connectors. The sensor would be the last thing I would look at.
i would check the temp sensor with a kettle of boiling water,and a volt meter which means you have to drain the system.
Check the relay first, and if it's OK then short circuit the fan to see if it turns like Ed said. In my case, it was the fan (common problem with FZ6s)
There should be thermal sensor that 'tells' the fan to come on. First test the fan to see if its working, then move on to the sensor. Its a straight forward fix...requires testing of a few components. PM me if you need help
Any little piece of crap (leaf, stick, road debris) will stop the fan from turning, so first check that you can spin the fan by hand. If so, then short the wiring past the sensor to make sure it runs. If it's ok, then it's probably the sensor itself, and as others have said it can be checked in boiling water.
Ok finally had a chance to check the fan this morning and fan is do I go about testing the sensor?

Thanks guys

Next, start with the wiring. Clean the contacts, inspect the wires to make sure there are no breaks and then you can check the thermal switch. If you have access to a service manual, it will tell you how to remove and test it. If you don't have the service manual, google for one online... someone usually has one posted somewhere.
Ok finally had a chance to check the fan this morning and fan is do I go about testing the sensor?

Thanks guys

I would assume you put the sensor in boiling water & check for continuity. Read the manual
I would assume you put the sensor in boiling water & check for continuity. Read the manual

Correct at a specific temp the thermo switch is supposed to make contact. You use a pot of water on a stove with a thermometer and a electrical tester to test them.
Thanks for all the knowledge guys it was the sensor I'm just gonna hook up a toggle switch and bypass the sensor altogether .

cheers ride safe
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