Coolant leaking from the top of the engine...


Well-known member
wtf?? how is this happening? Anyone have an explanation? I noticed the trail going down the engine and it seems to be coming from in between the top cover and the rest of the engine...Its where that rubber gasket thing is...I see a large pipe coming from under the radiator cap cover going into the engine so I'm assuming that's where its going in from, but its coming back out...

I'm pretty sure warranty will cover it but I'd rather not have the bike sitting in the dealer right at the start of the season...
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This is the pipe which goes from under the coolant cap into the engine, the coolant seems to be coming from there...the picture is sideways to get a proper angle so its actually facing upwards

rear of the engine



Is the tube right at the rad cap; almost part of it?

yea, it runs down from the rad cap...

This is the same pipe right?


If your sure that the hose clamp is tight then I'm gonna say that the o-ring in the cylinder head is probably shot.

yea, thats the one. To get to the o-ring will I have to remove the top cover and where exactly is it located? Is it a wear and tear item or do you have any idea if I can get it warrantied?
You need to remove the cylinder head cover. Which means you'll have to disconnect your clean air stuff and possibly your radiator hoses, which will require draining part of your cooling system.

The o-ring is located under the steel pipe that the hose is attached to... between the intake ports. Here's a better pic (although it is from the 2nd gen ex250):

It shouldn't be a wear and tear item... but without knowing who your dealer its difficult to say if they will honor the warranty without funny business. If you turn your bike on and get it up to temperature, you should be able to see coolant leaking or spraying out of there if that is indeed the source of the leak.
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