Cool Bike


Well-known member
Not sure if this is over or underpriced, rare or not but def cool:
Not sure if this is over or underpriced, rare or not but def cool:
Agree it's a cool bike. I have no idea on value but that seems high to me given that it's a frankenbike.
It is a cool bike and totally rideable as a daily mount.

The R's with those forks are considered collectable so they're expensive. If this one is as well sorted as it looks and is as ridable as I think the price may be expensive but perhaps not that far out of line.

If I was looking for a high dollar cruiser I'd take this over a new HD, both for the cool factor and for the lighter handling.
are you saying a 50 year old beemer handles better than a current harley? 🤣
In the first pic, on it's side stand it already has the lean angle beat and it's far from rubbing.

Drum brakes?
are you saying a 50 year old beemer handles better than a current harley? 🤣

I would likely support that - 1970’s German suspenion engineering > 2020 HD suspension engineering….
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