Convicted man returns to thank the judge

Someone should send this to the mandatory sentencing people.
^^ Why?

The guy himself admitted that the institution didnt have anything to do with that. He said that he became a different person before he was even sentenced. That he has found God and religion and all that other BS right before being sent to jail, on his own. Interesting how getting caught is what all of a sudden brought clairvoyance ....**** that. The classic "i'm a changed person, please dont send me to jail" song EVERY person sings...

For every one of him there are 100 convicts out there that go right back to banging and life of crime after being slapped on the wrist. Does that i mean i believe in long term incarceration? absolutely not, if anything the criminals that were on the fence and may be turned away from crime just become hardened criminals. But dont spoon feed me this bs.
Because mandatory minimums prevent the judiciary from giving a light sentence to deserving cases without making the punishment on the deserving any harsher.

As much as you think you are great at detecting BS, judges do this for a living, I trust their BS detectors. Obviously in this case he made the right decision. Mandatory minimums do nothing except remove decision making power from the experts ( judges )
In this case the guy saw how much worse life on the inside was going to be than on the outside and before he was sentenced he made an effort to change his tune. for many this isn't the case and the sit around waiting to go to jail and then sit around in jail. for some of them life in jail is easier than life out of jail (place to sleep, 3 meals a day, clothes) and when they get out of jail they're starting with worse than nothing. I remember hearing an interview with a guy who went to jail saying how when he was there guys would decorate their cells so that they were way nicer than anything they could have on the outside and they would be coming back in as soon as they got out because life was better in prison (pretty sad). while he was there all he had for decoration was a picture of his family. he wanted prison to be unenjoyable so that when he got out he was highly motivated to never go back.

Personally I think we need to revamp the entire system (and not the way harper wants to do it). give them a cell with nothing more than a bed and a toilet/sink, no decorations other than a picture. give them education on skills they can use on the outside when they get out. make them do something in prison (idle hands are the tool of the devil) and need more programs for them when they get out to keep them out. It costs way more than I make to house a prisoner. That's a lot of wasted money.
Because mandatory minimums prevent the judiciary from giving a light sentence to deserving cases without making the punishment on the deserving any harsher.

As much as you think you are great at detecting BS, judges do this for a living, I trust their BS detectors. Obviously in this case he made the right decision. Mandatory minimums do nothing except remove decision making power from the experts ( judges )

That's exactly right. Lawmakers can never be as good a judge of anything when compared to those who are living the msituation in reality. They can't even judge safe driving speeds, and if it weren't for police discretion we would all be fined for doing 1 click over. Wherever possible, laws should give discretion to those who enforce the laws to decide the real risk, harm, or severity of the offense.

Life is simply too complex and full of variables that cannot be taken into account by any rules that claims to be just.
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There's a saying "Born Again til I'm out again". Even when it isn't criminal acts how many people suddenly "Pray to God" when life takes a bad turn? Is the "I'm praying" a figure of speech or did somebody actually talk to God / change their lifestyle?

Time tells. This guy seems to have enough time under his belt to warrant a clean slate if that is possible. I hope he stays legit.
There's a saying "Born Again til I'm out again". Even when it isn't criminal acts how many people suddenly "Pray to God" when life takes a bad turn? Is the "I'm praying" a figure of speech or did somebody actually talk to God / change their lifestyle?

Time tells. This guy seems to have enough time under his belt to warrant a clean slate if that is possible. I hope he stays legit.

He obviously did. That's the point of the story. Its not that he said he found GOD and they let him go. It was the JUDGE's decision based on experience, judge of character and faith.

The real-life story of a Brampton man who was given a reprieve by a judge and turned his life around could soon be fodder for fables.
And that’s because Bill C10, expected to pass into law in Canada by the end of March, will make second chances a thing of the past. Instead, the bill’s mandatory minimum sentences will make sure that people like Maxwell Beech go to jail.
Jokes on us "he runs his own business installing blinds and home security systems"...bwahahahaha...i wonder what he uninstalls?...i am not a fan of the "finding god" crap people put out there...what a pussy...
Jokes on us "he runs his own business installing blinds and home security systems"...bwahahahaha...i wonder what he uninstalls?...i am not a fan of the "finding god" crap people put out there...what a pussy...

just because some one committed a crime does not make them a thief. getting into a fight can make you a criminal, does that mean you can't be trusted with other people's property?
Not sure if anyone caught the interview last night with this person on CP24, but I was able to watch this and though many would be sceptical it appeared to me that he was genuine.
I think more than anything his discovery of "god" also caused him to re-examine his role as a father and make him realize how important it was. Seems his life now is dedicated to doing what it takes to ensure his son is in good shape for life ahead when he is gone.
Of course i'm biased as I am also a dad and my little guy means more to me than anything.
Jokes on us "he runs his own business installing blinds and home security systems"...bwahahahaha...i wonder what he uninstalls?...i am not a fan of the "finding god" crap people put out there...what a pussy...

Wow, a cynic on GTAM. Who'd a thunk it.
If judges are not going to be able to judge then what do we get to call them?

I don't know what's happening in California. They introduced a three strikes law a number of years ago and people were getting life for the third conviction, even if it was for stealing a bicycle. The point was that it wasn't the dollar amount of the third crime it was that the perp wasn't learning. End result was an incredible incarceration rate on the taxpayers tab.

Our legal system has been out of whack since Eve ate the apple. It's based on honest people judging what is going to change dishonest people.

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