Contour 1080p Helmetcam - $150

crap compared to gopro, no wonder FS is clearing out their stock lol

i wouldnt go that far.

i had the 720P version and my friend has the GoPro 1080P version. they both have their pro's and cons...Gopro is tougher and is already water proof but its bukly, larger and u have to keep the gopro tilted correctly when mounted. the rotating Countour camera really comes in handy, uc an mount it how u want it and just rotate the camera until its level. really nifty.

biggest Contour issue is wind noise....which can be alleviated by installing a remove microphone jack.
crap compared to gopro, no wonder FS is clearing out their stock lol

And EVERYTHING is crap compared to this:

Can it record in a constant loop? I have been considering installing a camera in my car. It could come handy in case of an accident, and to keep a lens on my bike which I park in front of my car.
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