Common injuries |

Common injuries


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Whats injuries have you found most commonly result from a crash? For those who have been down, what injuries did you recieve?

I've been down twice. Got a mild concussion the 2nd time but for the most part was okay as I had a decent amount of gear on both times. One thing I noticed in both accidents (low and high side) was I injured my hands the most. Both times as a result of starting my slide with my hands in front of me and having them role under me as I slid. I went out and got a pair of held gloves with the rivet sliders in the palm to hopefully help this problem if I am ever unfortunate enough to skid down a road agian (to reduce the friction that caused my hands to roll under me.) Knock on wood.

Curious of other people's experiences of common injuries and their suggestions to possibly reduce the risk of them. Why wait until I sustian the injury myself to learn from it when others have already suffered to the learn the lesson. Perhaps little things that might not occur to someone like the glove sliders (not looking for I hurt my hands so figured out I need to wear gloves). Certian things that maybe not all gear has but you have found a great benifit in.

See a lot of leg fractures typically below the knee (bumper height). As you mentioned wrist fractures and pretty much always some form of concussion. Hip/pelvis fractures are also common and are pretty serious. Just depends on the circumstances. I've seen a foot ripped off in a relatively low speed crash (cager pulled out in front of the bike, guys foot was between the point of impact at 50 km/ur) and I've seen a guy that was going fast enough he was launched over 2 cars slid through a ditch (and a bunch of dog crap) and got stuck with his head under a fence and he was relatively ok probably because he was drunk and stoned.
Collar bones. Mine was only broken in half, not as good as Caboose's. Wrists and ankles are pretty high on the list. Your spirit is the hardest to heal...
Collar bones. Mine was only broken in half, not as good as Caboose's. Wrists and ankles are pretty high on the list. Your spirit is the hardest to heal...

This dude makes a good point.

Had a pretty bad accident few years back on a bicycle. I noticed a GIANT loss of self-esteem. Was in depression for around a year and a half after the accident. Dunno what causes it..I refused to pop pills and just got through it.
I didn't ride for the rest of the year after my last crash (not due to injury) and it was in mid march. Complete loss of confidence that was hard to get back.
I finally managed to break my first bone 6 weeks ago, I fractured my distal radius in my right hand. I was told its one of the most common breaks, in general not just for motorcycle accidents. Took the cast off myself 4 weeks in and have been riding for 2 weeks now, getting back on the bike makes for some great physiotherapy. Still working on getting my motion back, but strength is good

Even thou I never broke it before, I have been to the hospital to Xray my right wrist 3 times in the last 10 years of riding. So wrist injury is the most common for me, besides rash....
Separated shoulder / Clavicle breaking is a very common one as well, I got it. I also broke my distal radius, pretty common if you attempt to brace yourself from impact with your hand, it's just instinct.
Originally Posted by Rob
Collar bones. Mine was only broken in half, not as good as Caboose's. Wrists and ankles are pretty high on the list. Your spirit is the hardest to heal...

This dude makes a good point.

This dude spent 3 weeks in hospital and another 12 weeks in rehab hospital after a nasty get off at Bogie in May 2008 practicing for the first National race there. 8 months away from work and still wasn't 100% when I went back. Took a long time to get back on the bike, wanted to like crazy just didn't know if the brain's life preserver would prevent it from happening.

I'm doing OK now and very happy with where I am. Thanks to tonnes of people I can't even begin to list.

Ride safe my friends!
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1st crash....broke right leg....15 places
2nd crash...broke left ankle....3 places (total rotation) and leg
my Daytona carbon kevlar boots saved my life, from having my foot ripped off and bleeding to death
Most common things, that I've seen, are collarbones and scaphoids. The scaphoid is a tiny, little bone in your thumb joint. It gets messed up because people tend to put their hands out, to brace against a fall. The thumb gets bent back and *POP* goes the scaphoid. Fingers and wrists, ankles, and knees are also high on the hit parade.
Most common things, that I've seen, are collarbones and scaphoids. The scaphoid is a tiny, little bone in your thumb joint. It gets messed up because people tend to put their hands out, to brace against a fall. The thumb gets bent back and *POP* goes the scaphoid. Fingers and wrists, ankles, and knees are also high on the hit parade.

My last crash I did the schapoid. Went over the bars and my thumb got trapped as I exited the bike.

And I'm another shoulder victim here. Along with a couple of ribs.
Breaking my sacrum was the worst. Couldn't sit comfortably for months. Not to mention the lack of intimacy didn't help the recovering process.
I consistently hear about collarbone breaks. I'm guessing they're the most common.

I crashed on Thursday morning and only mildly hurt my hip. Gear did its job. Small impact bruises on my knee and ankle, but no pain because the armour took the brunt of the impact. Someone mentioned being able to get armoured shorts that protect the hips. I'm going to look into them now.
Most common things, that I've seen, are collarbones and scaphoids. The scaphoid is a tiny, little bone in your thumb joint. It gets messed up because people tend to put their hands out, to brace against a fall. The thumb gets bent back and *POP* goes the scaphoid. Fingers and wrists, ankles, and knees are also high on the hit parade.

Took a slide on the street with jeans. Knees didnt fair well cuz of the rash.

2nd time I was in full leathers, just got up and pick my bike up. I got a black& blue on my knee even tho there were pucks & armour. Elbows hurt a bit, but not rashed.

I've broken one of everything!

Those are gonna hurt when u get older
Well since I work in a ER Trauma room I can tell you first hand that road rash, broken pelvis, collapsed lung, broken leg and broken collarbone are common injuries accociated with an get off of sportbikes. Two summers ago I saw several crusier accidents where most of the riders got their leg cut off 7inch's below the knee from having the hog fall and smash the tibia (shin bone) right in half. It was pretty gross stuff so I wont go into detail. From the types of injuries that I've seen when a sportbike falls it slides away from the rider when a crusier falls it lands on the riders leg.

Ride safe pep's
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bruised ego, and the bone in my knee still doesn't feel right

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