Coming soon to a steet near you.

Reminds me of lemmings following each other off the edge of a cliff.

Do lemmings actually do that or was that a scenario created by Walt Disney?

According to Snopes, people that believe that are the true lemmings but that's getting oxymoronic if lemmings don't hurl themselves off cliffs. I need coffee.
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Tow trucks would make a killing on that street. Why the hell would you be standing on the street beside your car? I am surprised nobody got ran over.
Wow!! People should know better but IMO the city should just close the road until it's cleared.
What was on the road? Was that really just snow. Sorry I didn't watch the whole 5 mins.
i dunno if my snow tires would have helped too much...or that a freak snow storm in an area where people don't usually have snow tires? layer of ice under the road looks like?
Do lemmings actually do that or was that a scenario created by Walt Disney?

According to Snopes, people that believe that are the true lemmings but that's getting oxymoronic if lemmings don't hurl themselves off cliffs. I need coffee.

Disney created it. Apparently they threw them off, herded them off, and just generally set every scene up to support it.
Crazt stuff!! sure looked like ice layer underneath by the way the vehicles were reacting.
And instead of warning people of the situation up the road folks pull out their cell phones and take videos of the carnage.

Well done, everyone.
Coming soon to a steet near you? If we ever get any real snow here in TO.
What was on the road? Was that really just snow. Sorry I didn't watch the whole 5 mins.

There is a combination of snow, pavement and air temperatures that produces snow that is like grease. With it my RWD van won't stay put on my modestly sloped driveway if I release the front brakes and rely on the parking brake.
Somewhere I read that the Inuit had 26 different words for snow depending on its characteristics. I'm sure the people in that video added a few more.
Car pinball?
If you look closely, that Honda Pilot is empty. Then the Tundra hit it and did a parallel park by itself. EPIC WIN!
That must have been the biggest hit from this vid and make it that much more funny.
Haha, surely not in my neighbourhood.
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