Clutch replacement - brands and performance


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I've decided to try changing my clutch this winter on a 2003 ZX636.

Planning on changing all friction plates (keep the steel plates), the springs and gasket.
I've looked up a two brands that sell clutch packs and springs. I also found a site where I can buy pretty much single oem plates.

So I guess my question is ... What kind of performance gains would I get by replacing with a non-stock clutch?
More durability? I'm not quite sure what else I could benefit from having a performance clutch.

Oem plates are under $10 a plate where as a performance plate goes for quite a bit more. (granted the pack comes with steel plates and springs.. see below)

EBC is quite a bit cheaper than Barnett. Any other suggestions on brands or places to get clutch plates?

Barnett Performance Carbon Fiber Clutch Kit for ZX636/ZX6R 03-04 ($186.25)


EBC SRC Race/Sport Kevlar Series Clutch Kit for ZX636 ZX6R 03-04 ($108.20)


Bike will be used on the track. (maybe street too but irrelevant)

some times i found that barnetts wet clutch would drag and not release. there dry clutch was never a problem, but if your racing the bike that would be alright, no slippage.
No benefits on the 636 for me, actually all negatives.....I hate them and would not ever stray away from the stock Kawi clutch plates....

BTW if your clutch is slipping 99% its your steel plates being burnt, not the friction plates...When I do clutchs on these bikes I change both steels and friction as a set to get the maximum life out of all parts. However like I said its usually the steel plates being burnt and glazed that causes slipping...So you should change the steels for sure, at least the ones near the middle of the pack that have changed color due to over heating....Basically if they are not metal colored and have turned black/blue at all they are burnt and need replacing....
I put a set of EBC SR friction plates on an 08 CBR 1000RR after the clutch slipped twice @ 9-10k on WOT pulls in 2nd and 3rd. Oddly enough the bike had the clutch recall (friction plates + springs) done just a few months prior with the preivous owner. Hard to say what was going on. The springs that came with it were too short, so I had to stick with OEM, however the plates were great. Much quicker uptake, have never slipped, great on the track. After a dozen emails or so with EBC they never did anything about the spring issue. Little dissapointed there, but so far the friction plates have been good.

There was no noticable wear, burning, etc on the OEM plates, was using Motul 5100 as recommended. Just for the record, your not changing your clutch, your simply replacing your clutch plates (bit price tag difference), but good luck!
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awesome thanks for the replies.
Will take your recommendation on the steel plates Johnny.

My mistake smergy, I'll refer to it as changing clutch plates from now on.
I am in the stock camp. Barnetts tend to drag especially if you use Motul green slime in my experience. EBC are just junk. Tried them twice in racebikes and toasted both of them in less than a weekend. I have a Barnett dry clutch in my Ducati and it works well with heavy springs (well as well as a dry clutch works anyway they all seem to grab alot anyway)
I'd suggest either buying an entire set and changing whichever need changing, or taking the pack out and changing the ones that are burnt or under min. You won't be able to tell before taking them out, and the previous posts are right it's most likely your steel plates that will need replacing.
OEM clutches, they stand up the most abuse i can throw at them
Even if the steels aren't obviously burned, they could be warped which will make for poor release, creeping with the clutch in, and a short life for the new plates . Either check them carefully on a surface plate, or as others have said, just change all of the steels with the friction plates.
I've found some dragging in Barnett clutches, but after a bit they wear in and work great. Suggestion on where to buy..... drop Tony at Bluestreak Racing a line.
I am in the stock camp. Barnetts tend to drag especially if you use Motul green slime in my experience. EBC are just junk. Tried them twice in racebikes and toasted both of them in less than a weekend. I have a Barnett dry clutch in my Ducati and it works well with heavy springs (well as well as a dry clutch works anyway they all seem to grab alot anyway)

Barnetts are also known to eat up the baskets.
Quick question. IMO this clutch basket still looks fine and usable but need to make sure.
I do see wear on the clutch assembly and on the basket, but not that bad.
Then again what do I know.


The basket looks a bit worse than this but not much worse.

What do you guys think?
Quick question. IMO this clutch basket still looks fine and usable but need to make sure.
I do see wear on the clutch assembly and on the basket, but not that bad.
Then again what do I know.


The basket looks a bit worse than this but not much worse.

What do you guys think?

That looks fine, like normal marks from normal wear, as long as the marks aren't creating an actual notch into the metal its fine.. If they do start to notch into the hub then the plates can hang up on them
It does notch a little bit.
This picture makes it look a lot worse than it is, but it is definitely beginning to notch.

oh btw, johnny, do you have any crash/stunt cages for an 03-04 636 you're looking to sell? If anyone would have extra or used set, it'd be you lol.
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