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So what's up guys. Hope everyone is doing well. Anyways, today at around 8 am I went out to ride on my 2012 gsxr 600. It was my 5th time riding on the public roads on the gixxer. Anyways, I reside in Richmond Hill, so there's some pretty sweet straight lines in which I can practice with the throttle. Anyways I was riding down Highway 7 minding my own business and following the speed limit when suddenly a honda civic hatchback cuts me off... Luckily there was no car on my left side so I quickly changed lanes avoiding the hit, my bike did skid but I managed to maintain my balance.He cut me off so close that if I had braked I would've hit his back which would of put my life at stake. At the light, I came up beside him, and it turned out to be a group of teens in the civic. I told the driver that he put my life at stake with that move, and you know what his response was? Quoting exactly what he said "I hate motorcyclists". I was like wtf? The light turned greened, I did some good revs beside him and took off.

Thought I'd share my first serious encounter with you guys!
I should've honestly, I don't even know how I did not hit his back... It was my first time dealing with a situation like this too, so I think I'm very lucky to have escaped.
A bunch of teenagers, awake at 8 am on a holiday Monday morning?
That likely means last night's party was just ending.
You were smart to ride away.
makes me think about another thread where a guy had a civic stopping him from passing by cutting him off to the left, and then cutting him off to the right.
then the guy in the civic had followed him to the store where he works to confront him saying the motorcyclist was dangerous?!?!?!

might be the a lil research on the forum you might find the thread
you did the right thing,I cant say what i would of done,I can get pretty hot under certain circumstances.
Not an uncommon occurrence, unfortunately. You can't win in a situation like this. Best you can do is completely ignore the dickwad considering that what he's looking for is a reaction.
because you have no experience on the road, i'd stay off multi-lane roads for a while.

you have a lot to think about right now...

-how to ride any bike
-how your specific bike behaves
-how to drive/ride on the road (rules of the road)
-how to drive/ride with other people on the road (defensive driving)
-watching for cop speed traps.
-watching for pedestians

the last thing you need now is more to do and any way you can narrow down that list is a good thing.

Ride parking-lots. Get to know your bike, and get comfortable on it before you start dealing with idiots on the road.
Control of the bike needs to be second nature. You can't waste brain power thinking about shifting, steering, balance, or breaking while riding in traffic. You need full concentration when other people are on the road with you. People talk on cell phones, text, read maps, play with the radio, spill coffee on their shirt. S*** happens, and you need to be prepared for it.

You really have to anticipate, and imagine how other people drive, and you have to adjust your ride accordingly. You should have seen the civic coming in your mirror. You should have imagined he'd cut you off. You should have rolled off the throttle and have your hand hovering over the breaks. But that's experience. You didn't have that before, but you do now.
learn. learn. learn.

you should sign up for a drivers ed course. Like young drivers or something. You'll learn defensive driving with the protection of a cage and an instructor that has a break pedal if you are missing something or your concentration is elsewhere.

stay off 7. Find a nice semi-twisty one lane side street with a lot of stop signs. Practice, starting and stopping. Alternate stopping slowly, and stopping hard. Get used to changes in speed. cruising in a straight line is easy.
Easy dasiffy. We don't want to be too hard on the OP. No one should have had to go through that but you do make a good point... Riding a bike has to make you a better operator of a vehicle than everyone else. You have to ride as if everyone is out to get you and maybe that's what dasiffy meant when he said that you should have anticipated the idiot.

Sorry you had to deal with this. Ride safe.
ya, i wasn't trying to be hard on him but i was trying to be frank and honest. Tough love i guess. If you don't learn from your mistakes you're doomed to repeat them.

@Afgunz didn't mean to put you down or anything... experience is earned over time. You'll get there. You just have to be safe in order to get there. You can't let other drivers involve you in their screw up. It also sounds like you have a good attitude towards riding, so that's a big plus.
Naw bro I actually took your advice. Very good advice indeed. And yeah bro, when I'm on the road I don't usually push my gixxer to it's max because if i do that it will indeed result in injury. The reason why I wanted to practice on highway 7 is cause that is how I usually go to work on weekends. Also There was no way of me seeing the civic before hand. He was literally right beside me on the other lane when he decided to become "cool" and change lanes right in front. Thanks for your advice!
Take down the plate number and report it. A knock on the B*****ds door by the police may deter him for screwing with someone else. Are you really Afghan? Had it been my friend he would have shot the entire car up :P

Back home that is
Haha freak :P And ye bro, hbu?

I have Pashtun roots, afridi from grand mother's side, bangash from grandfather side. Yusufzai from mother's side. So essentially bangash due to father's lineage but a mix in essence. Our ancestors settled in India though so don't expect me to speak pashtu. I am born and raised in Pakistan, lots of afghan friends though.
Naw bro I actually took your advice. Very good advice indeed. And yeah bro, when I'm on the road I don't usually push my gixxer to it's max because if i do that it will indeed result in injury. The reason why I wanted to practice on highway 7 is cause that is how I usually go to work on weekends. Also There was no way of me seeing the civic before hand. He was literally right beside me on the other lane when he decided to become "cool" and change lanes right in front. Thanks for your advice!

You shouldn't be pushing your gixxer at all considering your skill level. Hwy 7 between Bayview and Warden is a death trap even for the better drivers and riders with all the construction and oblivious drivers out there. Stick to the plethora of residential and closed off streets in R. Hill and take it much slower. Valleymede is a good road to practice on. 16th runs parallel to Hwy 7 and has much less traffic and distractions. Also remember to ride your own ride. I refuse to ride with most of the Tim Horton's crowd in Markham/Richmond Hill cause they're squidly chumps. I can't emphasize this enough though: TAKE IT SLOW.
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You shouldn't be pushing your gixxer at all considering your skill level. Hwy 7 between Bayview and Warden is a death trap even for the better drivers and riders with all the construction and oblivious drivers out there. Stick to the plethora of residential and closed off streets in R. Hill and take it much slower. Valleymede is a good road to practice on. 16th runs parallel to Hwy 7 and has much less traffic and distractions. Also remember to ride your own ride. I refuse to ride with most of the Tim Horton's crowd in Markham/Richmond Hill cause they're squidly chumps. I can't emphasize this enough though: TAKE IT SLOW.

Good advice.
It is possible to start on a 600 and survive, but the instant you push it farther than you abilities, lights out.
You shouldn't be pushing your gixxer at all considering your skill level. Hwy 7 between Bayview and Warden is a death trap even for the better drivers and riders with all the construction and oblivious drivers out there. Stick to the plethora of residential and closed off streets in R. Hill and take it much slower. Valleymede is a good road to practice on. 16th runs parallel to Hwy 7 and has much less traffic and distractions. Also remember to ride your own ride. I refuse to ride with most of the Tim Horton's crowd in Markham/Richmond Hill cause they're squidly chumps. I can't emphasize this enough though: TAKE IT SLOW.

Yuuup. Seen so much stupidity in the hwy 7 and leslie area by both riders and cagers.
had a little punk b***h like that pull out a tire iron on me after intentionally cutting me off.
In retrospect i did the right thing by just driving off, a cumwad like that isn't worth an aggravated assault with weapon charge.... but it irked me the whole day.

any ways, moral of the stories is never become complacent, constantly scan and be ready to react.
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