Cleaning 2-stroke cylinder head

The cylinder head on my 2-stroke suzuki is FILTHY. Soft deposits mostly. What is the best chemical to help dissolve this stuff away? Can I use acetone? The cylinder head is made of a soft aluminum. I plan on using a softer metal brush (brass apparently works without damaging the aluminum), but I need some kind of solvent or degreaser to help get the oily deposits off; one which won't harm the aluminum.
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Carb cleaner will dissolve the baked on black carbon, old tooth brush then polish the combustion dome.


Another question - I cant seem to get the cylinder barrel to separate from the damn crank case. The manual says there is some kind of adhesive that bonds the metal parts 'tenaciously' to the gasket between the barrel and the crank case. Supposedly you can use a mallet and a peice of wood to tap the barrel to loosen it - which I've done - and it wont $%^&ing budge!!! Any hints here?
Mabie a little heat first? and I mean a little just to soften it up a little? I was going to suggest the hammer and wood technique but you have alreasdy.
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