CLASS 10 16gig SD card for $20


Well-known member
I just bought 2 of them. Oshawa Centre has lots left. They're not marked $20 but once you get to the cash they will ring up $20 each.
I bought DANE memory card before. They are great. Thanks for the heads up!
IDK, but doesn't the GoPro use a Micro HCSD card? Maybe I'm thinking of the Contour.
Contour dose, I have the GPS one. I only use it for a helmet cam view, and want a go pro to mount on the bike (front, back, side farings etc) or I might end up getting another contour...I think I'm going to wait until the bike show. Last bike show I saw them for cheap and where I got my contour they have customer sales where they are really cheap.

*Friend has the go pro, we compared, and the contour dose come out on top. Same settings, without any edit, right out of the box we placed them side by side and recorded the same footage. But what ever I can find cheaper, I'll get.
Just picked one up from Square One, they have lots left (around 30) - I did have a slight problem with it recording right from the start but all it needed was format and it works (youtube vid can help out anyone who dosen't know how to do it, very simple, step by step 2 min) Slightly different for windows and mac computers but very easy.

GO get one, great pick up for $20.
i question the quality of these no name cards. ppl please report back if your card dies.

Will do, I only got it so when I borrow my friend's go pro I can shoot 2 angles and experiment. I have the Contour GPS, great camera.
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