Citizen attempts to pull over uniformed cop in cruiser.

This guy is a tool....he should of been pulled over for driving while holding the camera in his hand !.
He would have been better off just getting the footage then going to the cop station and talking to whoever is in charge there and show them the vid. If nothing is done go to the media. Hypocrisy is a pet peve.
He would have been better off just getting the footage then going to the cop station and talking to whoever is in charge there and show them the vid. If nothing is done go to the media. Hypocrisy is a pet peve.

Yet he has no footage of the actual "offence" hahah

what a tool, i was surprised the cop didn't pull him over and see if he was mentally ill lol
Yet he has no footage of the actual "offence" hahah

what a tool, i was surprised the cop didn't pull him over and see if he was mentally ill lol

ya he does, it clearly shows the guy not wearing a seat belt, that was the offense he was accusing him of.
ya he does, it clearly shows the guy not wearing a seat belt, that was the offense he was accusing him of.

10-18-12, 12 miles south of Detroit. I have absolutely have had it with our thug Government. I was about to make a right turn apx. 1 mile east of this altercation, when the light turned green this police vehicle took off at a very high rate of speed. No lights, no sirens ( you or I would possibly be charged with recless driving )
Next time the Cops might shoot him and claim they were in fear of some psycho yelling at them while driving as evidence by his own video.
They can say they heard or thought they heard him say about killing.
Next time the Cops might shoot him and claim they were in fear of some psycho yelling at them while driving as evidence by his own video.
They can say they heard or thought they heard him say about killing.

lolz they aint got no bowls to do that

rofl at the video btw. thanks for the share OP.
Lol I was pulled over earlier in the summer and ticketed for speeding. After handing me the ticket the officer proceeds to tell me that he agrees he loves these wide open roads and attempts to hit top speed in his car. My buddy and I were like wtf.
I thought one of the reasons people became cops was to be able to do crap like flooring it with worry.

This is my signature
Camera was dash mounted not hand held. I personally think the video and attempt to pull a cop is dumb, but the citizen did have a legitimate legal charge against the officer.

Well, yeah the cop was breaking the law. But average joe citizen can't lay a charge against him for it. He should have kept the video and filed a complaint. I'm not exactly sure what he was thinking he was going to accomplish pulling over a cop...
In Michigan are the police require to use seatbelts? Maybe the cop had a doctors note exempting him from wearing a seatbelt.

From the HTA in Ontario

(6) Subsections (2) and (3) do not apply to a person,
(a) who is driving a motor vehicle in reverse;
(b) who holds a certificate signed by a legally qualified medical practitioner certifying that the person is,
(i) for the period stated in the certificate, unable for medical reasons to wear a seat belt assembly, or
(ii) because of the person’s size, build or other physical characteristic, unable to wear a seat belt assembly; or
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