Chromed engine cooling fins?


Active member

Heres a question: Often I see the same bike as mine, v star 1100, the engine block/ cooling fins are all shiny chrome....and on mine they are aluminum with black in between...
How is this accomplished? Who does it or was it an option or just pained or something?

Please give input as I'm stumped!
It's unlikely that it is paint. Paint tends to insulate and will cause overheating of an air cooled engine. It can't be spray-on chrome either as this would yellow over time from the engine heat. It is most probable that the owner had the cylinder heads media blasted to take off any factory finish and then either polished or chromed.

Have you investigated whether Yamaha or another aftermarket supplier offers a custom head option for your bike? It may be that the manufacturer has a customizing kit that gives the chrome look so desired by cruiser riders.
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