Chicken marinade test - success |

Chicken marinade test - success


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Guys, I'm a carnivore.. I eat meat. However, I heard that at times, you should eat that healthy vegetarian crap, so I bought some boneless/skinless chicken drumsticks.. That left me in a dilemma as to how to make that stuff taste like something.. That's when the mad scientist in me got into the kitchen and brewed up the following mix (all of the ingredients are to taste)...

1) Garlic powder
2) Black pepper
3) Vegeta brand MSG mix (optional but it really does improve the taste)
4) Soya sauce (use more than usual if you won't do MSG)
5) Worcestershire sauce
6) Mustard (real stuff, none of that pasty yellow crap)
7) Beer (Millennium Buzz) - took about 1/3-1/2 bottle all told
8 ) Sesame oil

-Dip each drumstick into it and put them all in a container that won't leak.. Preferably tightly packed.. Then pour the remaining marinade over them and cover the container, leave overnight
-If grilling on propane or NG BBQ, soak wood (apple or mesquite) chips in water for 15min.. Put in an aluminum bowl (or make one out of tin-foil) and place them on top of the heating plate(s) to give the meat nice smokey flavor
-Sear on both sides on 450, grill on 380 until fully cooked
-2 hours later, I still can't move and I didn't even eat real meat :shock:
congrats on your successful cooking experiment. . .

lulz at calling chicken "that vegetarian crap". . .

. . .it's been my primary source of animal-based protein for quite some time now. in fact, did my own marinade and bbq of about 20 chicken breasts today (about a week's worth of chicken).
. . .it's been my primary source of animal-based protein for quite some time now. in fact, did my own marinade and bbq of about 20 chicken breasts today (about a week's worth of chicken).

Yikes... I grew up on pork - the other white meat.. Don't mind beef, lamb or various non-poultry game meats (venison's yummy).. By the way, now that we finally had a bit of a letup of the monsoon season and can actually grill some animal flesh (come here Babe, here boy :cool:), would you mind sharing the recipe?
I'm having some problems with my chicken marinade, perhaps you can tell me where i went wrong.
First of all, chickens don't seem to like getting wet, every time i try to dip his legs in the sauce he freaks out and flaps his wings like crazy.
I found a big enough tupperware container, but have you ever tried to get the lid on with a chicken dancing in it? Any tips? :confused:
I poured all the sauce in, he's up to his neck, but he ain't a happy chicken.
Now you expect me to get him to lay down on the BBQ?
I don't think so...
I'm having some problems with my chicken marinade, perhaps you can tell me where i went wrong.
First of all, chickens don't seem to like getting wet, every time i try to dip his legs in the sauce he freaks out and flaps his wings like crazy.
I found a big enough tupperware container, but have you ever tried to get the lid on with a chicken dancing in it? Any tips? :confused:
I poured all the sauce in, he's up to his neck, but he ain't a happy chicken.
Now you expect me to get him to lay down on the BBQ?
I don't think so...

You see, you're rushing things with the poor little guy.. First you gotta stroke his feathers a bit to calm him down.. Then you have to play with him.. I heard they especially love it when you grab them just below the head and spin them around quickly.. You know the chicken is happy when he goes to sleep soundly.. That's when they really love a hot bath, the hotter the better, after which you can undress him, take all of that nasty stuff from the poor little guy's belly and then he will have absolutely zero issues with marinades and BBQ's... He'll be one (no longer) feathery happy camper :cool:
Yikes... I grew up on pork - the other white meat.. Don't mind beef, lamb or various non-poultry game meats (venison's yummy).. By the way, now that we finally had a bit of a letup of the monsoon season and can actually grill some animal flesh (come here Babe, here boy :cool:), would you mind sharing the recipe?

the recipe is primarily kikkoman teriyaki soy, with some mustard (either dry hot or dijon) and chili pepper flakes, finely diced garlic, mushroom soy, and ginger ale (or 7up, whatever's handy)

so in other words, quite a bit like yours. . .

sometimes i throw in a bit of mint, or other stuff. . .i find that an overnight soak (at minimum) is best.

i served with a side of fusilli w/ tomato basil sauce. . .will be doing ribs next time out.
I'm a vegetarian (was raised that way) and OMG you ANIMAL KILLER!#@*&!*

Just kidding.. I'm a little confused though, since when did boneless/skinless chicken drum sticks become vegetarian food? lol
Just kidding.. I'm a little confused though, since when did boneless/skinless chicken drum sticks become vegetarian food? lol

To those of us who primarily feed on mammals, bird "meat" may not necessarily seem like meat :p
To those of us who primarily feed on mammals, bird "meat" may not necessarily seem like meat :p

Oh snap! I never knew that.. lol

I have successfully learned something new today.. until tomorrow edumacation!
I did the veg, ovo lacto, vegan, the whole thing. I'm back on meat n bozze. Your problem is you are not brineing the meat. 1/2 a kg of salt in 3-5 litres of cold water, drop your chicken or turkey into it and let sit at room temp for 3-4 hrs(at that concentration of salt no bacteria will be growing) then rinse it off and bbq or cook however you like,
THEN coat with sauce. DO NOT OVER COOK. The brineing will tenderize, flavor and strangely enough sweetens the meat. But don't over cook!

Nice, I had a Venison steak with a potato myself tonight, was marinated for 15+ hours in soy sauce, mustard, garlic, & vinger salad dressing.
Nice, I had a Venison steak with a potato myself tonight, was marinated for 15+ hours in soy sauce, mustard, garlic, & vinger salad dressing.

Noice.. I'm gonna have to get me some venison, soon. Haven't had it since I've done my last field job up north :(
This one worked pretty well with some ribeye steaks.. Too bad the meat was tough, but at least it tasted good

-Garlic (finely cut or powdered)
-Vegeta or soya sauce
-Lemon juice
-Black pepper
-Olive oil (I used Moroccan grown/made stuff that was pressed the old-school way, brought back from my colleague's uncle's farm/grove?)
This one worked pretty well with some ribeye steaks.. Too bad the meat was tough, but at least it tasted good

-Garlic (finely cut or powdered)
-Vegeta or soya sauce
-Lemon juice
-Black pepper
-Olive oil (I used Moroccan grown/made stuff that was pressed the old-school way, brought back from my colleague's uncle's farm/grove?)

ribeyes that were tough? how done do you cook them?

i grilled four t-bones, a wing steak and a big sirloin tonight, all with montreal steak spice, and they all turned out very tasty. . .
The meat itself was nice and soft (and it was ranging from rare-medium-rare to medium-rare, depending on the person), but it had some sinewy stuff in between that provided a good workout for the jaw.. Next time, I'm getting my ribeye elsewhere.

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