Charles for Mayor of TO!

Can I have my 5 min back please?
Hey! The current crack head is the best mayor we have had for years... why mess with a good thing? If anything it's put this boring city as a destination for tourist. I would like to see how tourism has done since the Rob Ford crack scandal started.
Hey! The current crack head is the best mayor we have had for years... why mess with a good thing? If anything it's put this boring city as a destination for tourist. I would like to see how tourism has done since the Rob Ford crack scandal started.

The problem is that all the new tourists look like this :cool:

Hey! The current crack head is the best mayor we have had for years... why mess with a good thing? If anything it's put this boring city as a destination for tourist. I would like to see how tourism has done since the Rob Ford crack scandal started.

Probably did more for the city than the stinking, rat infested park garbage dumps everyone else blindly accepted.

We could do a lot worse than having a mayor that acts like Justin Beiber.
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