I think a similar topic has been discussed before here, but I just wanted to throw this out there.
I have 2 bikes that I like to ride, but there's no reason to have them both on the road at the same time -- I'll usually go for 2+ months on one or the other, while I do some work on the one I'm not riding.
One is a 1984 KZ750, one is a 2006 Vulcan 900LT. For obvious reasons, I tour on the Vulcan, and usually just do short runs and late/early season riding on the KZ. Would it be acceptable to swap insurance say, twice a year? May-September I'd be on the Vulcan, October-April the KZ.
I mean, in a perfect world, I'm sure we can all agree it'd be nice to just have insurance on the plate. Basically I just have a summer and 'winter' motorcycle...is that so crazy?
I have 2 bikes that I like to ride, but there's no reason to have them both on the road at the same time -- I'll usually go for 2+ months on one or the other, while I do some work on the one I'm not riding.
One is a 1984 KZ750, one is a 2006 Vulcan 900LT. For obvious reasons, I tour on the Vulcan, and usually just do short runs and late/early season riding on the KZ. Would it be acceptable to swap insurance say, twice a year? May-September I'd be on the Vulcan, October-April the KZ.
I mean, in a perfect world, I'm sure we can all agree it'd be nice to just have insurance on the plate. Basically I just have a summer and 'winter' motorcycle...is that so crazy?