CDN. McCormick falls in WSBK |

CDN. McCormick falls in WSBK


Well-known member
The young CDN. Brett McCormick, 2011 CDN. superbike champion, fell today on his Ducati in the rain and broke his 5th & 6th vertabrea. No neurolgical damage.

It was a rain soaked weekend in Assen with many top level riders falling.

Canada is behind you Brett. Get well soon.
When he fell wasn't raining, he was off line and got cut to the edge of the pavement and lost the control of the bike finish on the gravel. Hopefully he won't miss out too many rounds. Gooo Kiddddd
I just read the team's news release. Never watched it.
Thanx for the update. It was about as close to a broken back and paralysis as it gets as I understand. Hope he is back riding soon.
Moved to racing forum.Gws Brett.
From Brett's website

Sunday, April 22, 2012
Thanks for all the well wishes everybody!
Brett is sleeping comfortably and will be assesed tomorrow, to see if surgery is necessay to stabilize his C5.
Other than that a broken thumb and assorted bruises etc (two black eyes).
He was lucky and will be making a full and speedy recovery.
I would like to thank Shoei and Alpinestars for doing an awesome job and keeping this from being much worse.
Have to add how unbelievably supportive the Effenbert-Liberty team has been, feels like family. The best.
And a huge thank you to all the track side & medical centre staff for their time & attention to Brett following his crash.
What a bad luck. Hopefully he can be back soon.

I found this when looking at the crash (since many people say it was Checa's fault, which I didin't think so) ... it's an interview from Assen done, I believe on Wed or Thu last week ....

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