Cda Post just raised my Insurance


Well-known member
I Live in Shelburne and last month I got a letter saying that Canada Post was changing my Postal code. From an L0N to an L9V or something.

Anyways....Insurance called me today and (though she was super apologetic) told me that they rate by postal code....and now suddenly I'm in a higher rated area so up goes my premiums.

Only these crooks at these insurance companies can charge me more $$ for what is essential just a change in how my mail gets delivered. My town is still tiny, it's still in the middle of nowhere, nothing change but my postal code but that's more then enough for the Insurance company to ask more money.

They called you to tell you your premiums were going up? That's a little strange.
Is it strange?

I've been with them a month. Signed up at a certain price and all of a sudden I gotta pay more cause the Postal Code change took effect.
Is it strange?

I've been with them a month. Signed up at a certain price and all of a sudden I gotta pay more cause the Postal Code change took effect.
It's even stranger that they'd raise your rates before your term is up (one year). Did they ask you for personal information by chance?
Sounds like its the dreaded creeping proximity to Brampton disease Shelburne close to Orangeville close to Brampton. I'm sure they can legally do it since this province lets the insurance industry get away with whatever they want. But I think some targeted complaining may help
I just did some googling to see how to contact the Mayor of Shelburne...looks like he has his own insurance company too.

I just did some googling to see how to contact the Mayor of Shelburne...looks like he has his own insurance company too.


I used to live in Shelburne. As nice of a quaint little town as it is, the local government's kind of...not sure what you'd call it, but maybe corrupt? The council are all local business owners, and will stop things from going through that could possibly damage their business (the owner of the 2 coffee times both in town and in primrose, has reportedly shut down any possibility of a Tims in town, for example). So I'm not surprised the mayor owns an insurance company, and I'm sure there could well be something not so scrupulous about it. In the meantime, whereabouts is this postal code change happening? Doesn't make much sense. If you look up L9V on google, it's down near Orangeville, but the good ol' L0N is a much larger area, encompassing Shelburne. If you actually live in Shelburne proper, and Canada Post is changing the postal code there, you should make a fuss with your insurance company, because that's an administrative error. The accident profile of an area doesn't change from a few numbers.

The bottom line is, if Canada post is simply switching postal codes around, it's your insurance company's responsibility to do their research on the new postal codes, and make adjustments accordingly.
I already complained to my insurance company...they said there wasn't anything they could do.

I just switched to them and they're charging me the least of everyone I checked.

The new postal code is now lumping me in with the town of Amaranth? There will be no more L0N code. Canada post still forwards mail there for the next year but they have officially changed the postal code.

So if someone has a complaint about an insurance company who's deaf ears do they complain to?
Try the ombudsman for the company writing the policy first and the look for the ont govt body ombudsman
Try the ombudsman for the company writing the policy first and the look for the ont govt body ombudsman

This. If, as you say, the postal code is simply being changed, this is a huge problem, and not just for you. All insurance companies will need to change over their ratings, because L0N is still L0N, just by another name.

Contact the ombudsman and don't take "sorry, there's nothing we can do" for an answer; take it to FSCO if you have to. If you don't, it may never resolve, and you'll be stuck paying the premiums of the wrong postal code!
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