if distance is not an issue i'd go to GBM, i'll probably be there this Friday for SOAR practice
Bunch of people from KW going to GBM on the 29th.
Still working on fixing my KTM. Damage was much greater than originally thought. Oh well.
65% done. Just need to finish fiberglassing the bodywork, get it painted and get all that reinstalled.
I'd actually though about the Friday at GBM as well, I've done a couple of those in 2015 & they were fun.
I quickly got used to faster guys & gals passing me on the inside, the outside, anywhere they could ha ha but was never intimidated by it & found it an enjoyable day where I actually learnt a lot.
My laps times are far quicker now (than they were then) so was thinking of giving it another go unless you have to be a paid up SOAR member to participate on the Friday TD.
Other than that, it will be GBM on the 29th methinks.
the Fridays are open to anyone