Carb replacement for a 1981 Yamaha exciter 185


New member
i started working on my moms old motorcycle about a year and a half ago everything was going pretty good until we got to the carb it was cracked and missing a few things and so we went online to look for a new one but its like they dont exists me and my dad have tried a bunch of carbs that say they are compatible with the bike but none of them actually fit or are not even close to working with the bike does anyone know of an actual compatible replacement or where i can get an original at this point if i cant get it working im pretty sure my parents are going to get rid of it and i dont really want to see it go as it has been a good project bike up till about a year ago because it has been siting ever since
Dirt simple carburetor, you should be able to find something that works, stick with one that comes off a 4-stroke of similar displacement.
Try and find numbers stamped on the original carb, that will help identify a replacement.
its not the mikuni its a TK
TK can be trouble, I wouldn't bother rebuilding one as the rebuild kit availability is sketchy and some of the NOS kits are 40 years old.

TKs that are interchangeable were common on 70-76 Suzuki 100-185 2 strokes, you can find them on ebay occasionally - just match the bore and buy matching jets. I have done a few vintage small bikes including a few old Yammy SR185s, I replaced the carb and intakes using parts from a later model stock TW200 - updated, dependable, available and cheap.
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