Thanks for the advice everyone. The bike was running and riding 100% about a month ago. One morning the bike had a tough time starting, and it would barely idle after several tries to get it started. The throttle and choke had little effect on the idle speed. After letting the bike get up to temperature while idling, the bike would rev freely, but only IF the clutch was engaged. Figuring it was a carb related problem I pulled the carb off and took the float bowls apart. Needles had a small bit of debris but otherwise everything seemed fine. Cleaned everything up and put it back together and back on the bike. Now the carb leaks gas badly from the overflow (obviously by me). I've got the carb off the bike again, but I was hoping I could get a fellow member to make sure the carb itself is good and give me a hand getting it back on the bike. Once I know the carb is 100%, then I can start exploring other fuel related issues. Like I said the carb is off the bike so even if I was to meet someone somewhere just the go over the carb and make sure everythings good it would really help me out. The bike obviously isnt running and I have no access to truck so its hard to get this thing to a shop and these days shops have a few day wait so I was hoping to get the bike back on the road ASAP.